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By: KidBamboo | Posted: Dec 30, 2009 | General | 172 Views

“Danny, it isn’t like that. She really is a painter. She’s so young, I couldn’t…”He trailed off, what couldn’t he do? He knew he wanted her, but he didn’t want to make her cry, but wait, he already did?

She confused him, her silences, her smiles, her glittering eyes. What was he supposed to be doing? What was he supposed to be thinking?

“Jack, she’s a knockout! I’ve seen some really pretty girls here, but she is something else.”

“I know.” Jack answered quietly, staring out the car window.

“Does she have a sister?” Danny laughed.

“Danny.” Jacked turned to face him. “This doesn’t go anywhere, got it? I find out “this” spreads, I’m coming to directly to you.” He meant it.

“And what are you going to do? Have me killed?” Danny joked, thinking Jack was just protecting his latest find.

“Danny, I’m not joking. “ Jack insisted. “There’s something special about her, don’t fuck with me on this ok?” He was serious.

“Hey, you’re not ‘serious’ about her are you?” Danny asked.

“No, of course not, it’s just…” He trailed off, was he?

Jack spent the whole day distracted. It wasn’t like him. He and Danny ate at the regular dining area, but since there was only four other people staying at the pension house, there wasn’t much conversation. Jack was distracted to find that he needed more smokes by bedtime. He didn’t realize that he had smoked up almost his entire pack.

The next day, Jack sent Danny back to the field office with the driver while he walked around the market place. He had his morning coffee there. It was native coffee, so he actually enjoyed it’s dark, strong tasted. It beat the pension house’s instant coffee. But although he spend two hours reading the same newspaper over and over again, Augusta never showed up.

He was gathering a crowd of young children curious about the strange foreigner who didn’t do anything but read the same paper over and over again, he also drank a lot of coffee. In this little city, there is no such thing as an endless pot of coffee, so every time he asked for another cup, he got another slip of paper with the price of his cup of coffee. He was starting a nice looking pile on his table when one entrepreneurial young man of about 10yrs came running up to him, winded and smelling of sunshine.

“Hey Boss!” He called Jack. Jack looked up from the paper and looked into a pair of chocolate chip eyes.

“Hi!” Jack answered. He was in Silay often enough that the workers at the dam had told their friends and family that the “Boss” was in town. So everyone just called him Boss.

“Ka tolto ko siya!” The boy grinned at Jack.

“Sorry?” Jack shook his head.

“Da girl, I see her.” The boy replied. “I show you.” Jack narrowed his eyes a bit, but the boy had already started down the street. So he grabbed the slips, his coffee cost him the equivalent of 25cents a cup in US dollars, he drank $3 worth of coffee. My bladder’s gonna kill me.

He followed the boy out of the city proper, it was the longest 20 minutes of walking Jack had done in a long time. They followed the main road but when the kid turned into a small dirt road and disappeared behind some trees, Jack hesitated for a minute. What if I get jumped? Who the hell is going to jump you? You’re tower over them by what? 3 feet? Stop being a baby!

He plunged into the undergrowth, found himself standing on a small pebbled cover. The little boy was standing at the edge of the water and pointing out to sea. Jack raised his hands against the glare and could make out a little hut sitting on stilts in the middle of the cove. He saw the buoys that hinted at the fish farm, but his eyes were arrested by the sight of a figure in a large hat standing behind an easel. Then the figure stepped back. It was Augusta. She was painting.

Jack felt a tugging at his khakis, the little boy had one hand palm up, he wanted a tip. Jack pulled out a 5 piso note and gave it to the boy, not realizing that was probably the kid’s biggest score. Jack didn’t notice the big smile and the adoring way the boy now looked up at him.

Jack cupped his hand and yelled out her name. She didn’t hear it, he felt foolish standing there yelling. But he didn’t see any way she got out there. Did she swim? She didn’t look wet, but there was no boat or dingy or anything to show how she got out there. How did she get out there?

So Jack waved his arms, hoping to catch Augusta, although she faced the beach, she was so wrapped up in her work that she never saw him. Suddenly the little boy tugged at his pants again.

“You want talk Boss?” He asked Jack.

“Yes, do you know how I can get there?” He asked the boy. The boy just shook his head and walked towards the water. He kicked off his flipflops and jumped into the surf and started swimming out to Augusta.

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