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By: hakoonamatata | Posted: Sep 18, 2008 | Bubbles of Thoughts | 890 Views (Updated Sep 18, 2008)

I have seen people applaud the brilliant people they see around themselves, but not always notice the hard work of those who may not be as brilliant but are simply self disciplined. In my opinion, one needs to be disciplined to be successful in life, not necessarily brilliant or very intelligent.

All those who are intelligent or brilliant in some aspect of life are nor necessarily successful in their lives overall. Similarly, many who have been successful in their lives, were not the best in terms of IQ.

Although, factors like where one is born, brought up educated etc do play a vital part in making one what he / she is, but one is never limited by such factors. I disagree with the fact that luck or destiny have a more important role to play than one's own dilligence in making himself what he wants to be.

Well, that was my opinion, expressed in a way that most of the abstract reading comprehension passages for CAT / GMAT are written (they made no sense to me however!!!).

What do you think are the most important qualities that one needs to posses to be successful in life?

What does "success" mean to you?

Tags :
Intelligence, Self, discipline
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