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Member Since:Jun 05, 2017
950 MS Points
A 22 years old explorer who loves to do and buy the best quality services and products.
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Worth the money
Reviewed Hotel Atithi - Agra
I went to agra 2 days back and it was a sudden trip so we did not have any hotel booking so we booked this hotel using oyo rooms app. I got a good discount anRead more...
One time watch
Reviewed Raabta
I have watched rabta today. I was excited to see thata movie. so lets start with the review. PLOT- the story is interesting as it is a unique concept that haRead more...
Mind relaxing medicine
Reviewed Hamdard Roghan Badam Shirin Sweet Almond Oil
Hello all, firstly it does not smell bad rather there is no smell or fragrnace. immune system get stronger: every person in my family uses the product is benRead more...
Best kachi ghani oil
Reviewed Fortune Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil
All people already informed to fortune kachi mustard oil is used fpr cooking but I some information provided to this oil. the fortune kachi ghani mustard oil Read more...
Full of protein
Reviewed Nutrela Soya Chunks
Nutrela soya chunks- inoersonally love this product a lot and I love it because mu mom cooks it amazingly. having it since childhood and is still cooked at mRead more...
Good taste and quality
Reviewed Cream Bell Ice Cream
Cream bell ice reams are good quality products know for its standards in ice cream. they use good quality and fine quality of material for their product. I amRead more...
Bad taste
Reviewed LuvIt Chocolates
Hello people inwould like to share my experience of luvit chococlates. I am very fond of chocolates. whichever chocolate whether cadbury or toffee or candy coRead more...
Not good for health
Reviewed Dalda Vanaspati Ghee
My mither used to prepare biryani with dalda vanaspati it tastes good when the rice is hot. but after sometime when this fried rice cools down, the rice used Read more...
Ayurwin mutrislim plus is a useless product
Reviewed Ayurwin Nutrislim Plus
Guys the forst and the most important thing I want to say is that none of these powders will help you lose wheight. now about this ayurwin nutrislim, this prRead more...
Harmful for health
Reviewed Leanguard
All the products of sami direct are extremely dangerous for your health. this company fools every one that their product are very benefecial for health, this Read more...
Bad vendors
Reviewed Urbanclap
Hi, inam based in delhi. on may 13th I avaliked AC cleaning servive through utban clap. the technicians came home. removed the ac and cleaned it. after I paiRead more...
This product is overrated and overpriced
Reviewed MuscleBlaze Whey Protein
Why protein by muscle blaze is advertised much more that is why it is most popular among the youth dedicated to bodybuilding. I personally bought this producRead more...
Best quality
Reviewed Patanjali Aarogya Kachi Ghani Pure Mustard Oil
I have been using patanjali aarogya kachi ghani pure mustard oil for the last 6 months and can say that is the best of all. nowadays, mustard oil is mixed witRead more...
Bad pasta and bad flavour
Reviewed Maggi Pazzta
Maggi pazzta is the worst pasta ever. I dont like the taste. homemade pasta tastes better that it. the price of the pasta is also overpriced. it also tRead more...
Bad and worthless biscuit
Reviewed Patanjali Marie Biscuits
It is very bad quality biscuit, I have eat it and I find that its taste is very poor. I did not like it. the patanjali products are good but only this productRead more...
Bad product
Reviewed Patanjali Corn Flakes Mix
I like corn flakes for breakfast, it is like mu wholesome supper. be that as it may, too we have to take mind thatbwe aee not eating anything unfortunete undeRead more...
Reviewed Baba Ramdev Patanjali Aarogya Whole Wheat Chakki Atta
Patanjali provided all kitchen grocery wheat atta is one among then but this product is not good in taste and the chapaties are not soft. it bocomes difficultRead more...
Waste of money
Reviewed MuscleBlaze Mass Gainer XXL
I have been using this product for the past 2 months and there is not much difference in my body. in the last two months I have only been able to gain 1 kilogRead more...
Never buy this
Reviewed Patanjali Honey
Patanjali claims that their products are all natural but this product tasted really bad. the honey had aftificial colour added to it to make it look more darkRead more...
Please dont buy these
Reviewed Patanjali Oats
Patanjali is trying to acheive more than it is capable of . I have just tried these oats and I hate them. they seemed like low quality and worthless to me. thRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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deveshverma (@deveshvermaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Rittii Kapur (@ritiuppal2000MouthShut Verified Member)
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kareemahmed611 (@kareemahmed611MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nimrit Kaur (@kaurnimritkaurMouthShut Verified Member)
PawanAshar (@PawanAsharMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ghulam Rasool (@gr8570588MouthShut Verified Member)
Heart Broker (@03214594697mrMouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
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Murali Ramakrishnareddy (@abhibus1MouthShut Verified Member)
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