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Member Since:Jun 06, 2017
560 MS Points
I love gym. I like to explore new things and a big foodie
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Education: Graduate
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Keeps perfect track of your progress
Reviewed Mi Band 2
The Mi band 2 is even better than the 1st band that mi has launched. it has great looks and premium quality feel to it. it has a led display on it which showsRead more...
Worst golds gym outlet
Reviewed Gold's Gym - Dwarka - Delhi
Golds gym dwarka outlet is the worst golds gym in Delhi. located in sector 7 of dwarka it is the smallest golds gym around Delhi. the equipment is kept insideRead more...
Not as good as before
Reviewed Kissan Lemon Squash
I remember kissan lemon squash used to be the best refreshing drink back in the old days but I cant say the same anymore. I recently tried the kissan lemon sqRead more...
Reviewed Raabta
When the trailer was out for raabta everyone was excited as it looked promising. but turns out all the decent parts of the film were put into the trailer. I wRead more...
Mouthwatering burgers
Reviewed Burger Singh - Dwarka - New Delhi
Burger singh serves really good food. they have excellent range of burgers. I recently ordered food from here and it was just mind-blowing tasty. I tried the Read more...
Just a one time watch
Reviewed Bank Chor
Bank Chor;s trailer looking promising but I wish I could say the same for the movie. its been a while since ritesh deshmuk has come back on screen with a comeRead more...
Really bad experience not going back again
Reviewed McDonald's - Vikaspuri - Delhi NCR
I have had many bad experiences in McDonalds located in pvr vikaspuri. the staff does not keep the restaurant clean at all. its dirty all the times with stickRead more...
Fragance does not last long
Reviewed Layer'r Shot Deodrant
Layer shot deodorant is not that good. the fragrance will stay on for an hour or two but after that it does not last at all. the spray deodorant have more lasRead more...
Reviewed Nehru Place Social - Nehru Place - Delhi NCR
Nehru Place Social is running a scam right at their door step. they charge entry amount according to their wish. sometimes they let you in for free and sometiRead more...
Reviewed KFC - Janakpuri - Delhi NCR
KFC located in satyam cinema district center janak puri is absolutely disgusting. whenever I have been there its smelling. it is not at all clean. the staff dRead more...
Packed with great features at great price
Reviewed Boat BassHeads 225 In Ear Headphones
The Boat BassHeads 225 InEar Headphones is a really good product currently available in the market. it is really stylish. it has a metallic finishing to it. tRead more...
Good quality at good price
Reviewed OnePlus 3T
After a really long time there has been a reasonable android phone available in the market which everybody wants to buy. One plus 3t is a feature packed phoneRead more...
Avoid using it
Reviewed Patanjali Dant Kanti Advanced Toothpaste
Patanjali Dant Kanti Advanced Toothpaste is not at all advanced. It makes your teeth yellow after using it for a month. It has a not so pleasant fragrance to Read more...
Handy app to use
Reviewed Hike Messenger
Really good app. User friendly. Fun to use with the amazing stickers. it also includes free hike to hike voice call and video call. After some time you will gRead more...
Spacious economy cabin
Reviewed Emirates
Emirates airlines is one of the best airline in the world. These days ticket prices have gone down and are not expensive as they used to be before. Most of thRead more...
Just another overrated gym in dwarka
Reviewed Enigma Gym N Spa - Dwarka - Delhi
Enigma gym is one of the oldest gym in dwarka sector 10 market. with the years passing by its loosing its charm. it is too crowded after 5pm and you have to wRead more...
Most comfortable hatchback
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Baleno 2015 1.3 Delta
Maruti Suzuki Baleno is a fabulous car for the Indian roads. it has a spacious cabin with enough space to stretch your legs at the back seats. the driver seatRead more...
Good speed but eats up data quickly
Reviewed Airtel 4G LTE
Airtel 4G LTE is one of the fastest mobile data available in India. it has high reach to its customers all across India. it provides high speed data at reasonRead more...
Why Iphone 6s and not Iphone 6?
Reviewed Apple iPhone 6S
Apple products are know to the best in its segment. the iPhone 6s is surely the only smartphone one should go for. It has great speakers with 4g voice call. IRead more...
Its a scam
Reviewed Patanjali Kesh Kanti Hair Oil
Patanjali Kesh Kanti Hair Oil is promoted with fake promises. it promotes hair growth with thick and shinny hair. That is not at all true. At first use it wilRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed bhatiakhushal18 , pinkpanther4008
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Khushi Gupta (@keg7060MouthShut Verified Member)
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vaibhav461 (@vaibhav461MouthShut Verified Member)
Ekta Vaswani (@evaswaniMouthShut Verified Member)
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Sachin Saini (@ss1840073MouthShut Verified Member)
Salik Siddiqui (@saliksiddiqui853MouthShut Verified Member)
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Abhishek Dutta (@dutta1607MouthShut Verified Member)
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Krishna Joshi (@krishutrivedi18MouthShut Verified Member)
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Avinash Kumar (@avi_tenMouthShut Verified Member)
Ramanand Anand (@ramajnv03MouthShut Verified Member)
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Alexander Baker (@AlezebraMouthShut Verified Member)
Akhil Gupta (@nobrokerMouthShut Verified Member)
akshmehta123361 (@akshmehta123361MouthShut Verified Member)
Aman Singh Bhandari (@amanbhandari28895MouthShut Verified Member)