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Member Since:Jul 12, 2011
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Reviewed Bangalore Management Academy-Bangalore
I had an opportunity to interact closely with the faculty at BMA and I must say I thought they were all highly dedicated and very focused, in addition to beinRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on Sachin90's review
I agree....the faculty are really good.
Rated on GRVG's review
Commented on GRVG's review
The 500 AUD is to be paid to the Australian University, none of it is paid to BMA so please understand that BMA does not gain anything by deliberately failing students, the very notion is nonsensical.
Commented on yashyaser's review
I agree....the fact that you can get an International degreee right here in Bangalore and that too from a recognized, Government University in Australia is the main USP of the course.
Rated on yashyaser's review
Rated on ramss912's review
Commented on ramss912's review
@advisor....I did check with the management....and they are definitely going to be around for a long time. @Ramss....you seriously need to improve your writing skills, aside from being difficult to read it does not make much sense. The student cannot dictate how an examination paper ought to be set. Read More...
I think Sachin has made a very valid point
Rated on Sachin90's review
Rated on shanku86's review
Rated on satplam's review
Commented on satplam's review
Dr. Amir Ulla Khan is one the most respected economists in India aside from being a outstanding teacher......any self respecting student would attest to this fact. He has never lied.....about placements or anything else. Like I said earlier, as future MBA graduates, one should be able to sift throug Read More...
Rated on exbmastudent's review
Commented on exbmastudent's review
No internships?!?! There is a very robust internship program, the details of which are even posted on the website. And please get your facts right, Prof Soman did not leave because he wasn't being paid, which in itself isn't true. As future managers, you should be able to sift thru nonsense and ev Read More...
Commented on maddyatcomments's review
Imagine having a Professor like you...sink this college and kill each and every person involved??!?!?!! I'm not surprised that you think you need to do an MBA again...
Rated on theadvisor's review
Commented on theadvisor's review
I think this review is unfairly biased....
Rated on 4444q's review
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