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Member Since:May 26, 2003
0 MS Points
A question asked by a member - whats with ’kgbmoss’? r u competing with ’kgvdoss’? please remember ’a man is known by the company he keeps’ Absolutely! And what better company then his holiness, the great Sri Doss Maharaj. He has inspired me to join MS again. If a great guru like him, despite his busy schedule and all-important task of nation-building could find time to write reviews on Mouthshut.com, doesn’t that make MS a holy and a sacred site? I feel blessed to be here despite my reservations about censorship and narrow-mindedness of some members. His holiness gave me this advice for unenlightened minds that are easily offended – <I>“Offend others and be offended! Being offended repeatedly destroys the ego and results in egolessness. A state of egolessness is a state of pure, transcendental bliss. Offending and being offended is the shortest route to instant nirvana. All disputes and conflicts in mankind arise from ego. EGO = WAR NO EGO = PEACE”</I> Truer words were never spoken..
About Me
Education: Enlightened
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A Case for NO WAR ever again.
Reviewed War on Iraq: Case For 'No'
There was a buzz in the air - His holiness – Sri Doss Maharaj finally wrote a review on Peace. Excitedly I logged on to MS to read his words of wisdom, Read more...
Animal Planet
Reviewed Animal Farm - George Orwell
ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a literal masterpiece unmatched in its sarcastic portrRead more...
Kyunki Suace bhi kabhi Tamatar tha
Reviewed Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi
Once upon a time in the interiors of Punjab there was a farm – a tomato farm owned and managed by a not-so-poor farmer and I was an un-plucked tamatar wRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on LowOiL's review
'I personally think they have found all they need to find as far as this is concerned with the two trailers they found that mixed chemicals for placing in missiles. This chemicals were enough to make almost pure sarin. But I think there will be more WMD evidence found too after we find places to dig Read More...
Commented on own review
Staronearth, pls read what I wrote carefully - Belgaum is in Maharashtria in a parralel timeline which appears in my vision. My visions are my own visions unrelated to current demographic divisions.. Suyog - I've expanded on Sri Dossji's philosophy. Why do you think I'm mocking him? - or is it ok Read More...
Rated on kgvdoss's review
Commented on kgvdoss's review
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Rated on saaz_ar's review
Commented on saaz_ar's review
Stupid white men..and women2 (L@l) Great review..last heard Moore was planning a documentary - Fahrenheit 911. Now that would be interesting, if it ever gets made... KM
Rated on Tongue_in_cheek's review
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