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Member Since:Oct 31, 2010
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Tata Photon+ : Freedom
Reviewed Tata Indicom Photon+
I was fed up with MTNLs pathetic service, and general apathy towards its customers. Hence I decided to ditch the company altogether, and started searchiRead more...
Worse Company and Worst Customer Service!
Reviewed Arrivae
Before you decide to hire Arrivae as your interior designers, please take a moment to read about our experience—it has been nothing short of traumatic, and I Read more...
Rated on mdeshmukh's review
Commented on mdeshmukh's review
Well done! I mean there should be some law against such fradulent misrepresentation of a service by any company.
Commented on own review
Yes, and that's true for every ISP - god knows why you've decided to single out Tata Photon+ for this.
Rated on eagleeyeson's review
Commented on eagleeyeson's review
This is a factually incorrect review: 1. I would request you to post honest speed test results from www.speedtest.net or similiar sites. 2. I have a unlimited plan with 2Mbps upto 10GB and 144 Kbps thereafter till the end of billing cycle. This makes it a true unlimited plan. 3. You are complainin Read More...
Dear Saurabh, The issues will remain unsolved until eternity, because: 1. I am yet to find a soul who has actually used your free voucher. I just tore up mine. 2. The 2 hours wasted from my life - remain wasted. 3. Just today, I received another SMS from your company on my DND-registered Read More...
Yes friend, I know. But having about 23K locked up at CM's mercy is what made me take the desperate step. For anyone reading this, as mandert says, CVV should never be disclosed even if the RBI governor asks for it.
Commented on abirla2007's review
1. This whole ''Club Mahindra'' concept has originated in Chennai, along with Mr.Thenga's very one Country Club something. The CM affiliation with M&M group is nothing more than CM paying royalty for usage of M&M group name. 2. The salesperson's, their friends, the CM managers et. al. never face an Read More...
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