Beautyblender is a sponge which is used for applying foundation. Honestly speaking I am very happy of how it applies foundation to the skin. It gives an airbrushed effect which we all crave for. I am a crazy fan of the beauty blender. We have to dampen it before using it and becomes double in size. We have to just dot our face with foundation and just dab the beautyblender through all of our face and let the magic begin.
First of all I would like to say is if you are on a budget then this is not a thing for you. It costs for like 1, 100/- which is quite not affordable and crazy expensive for a foundation applicator. But trust me this will change your makeup look completely. But if you cant afford it you might buy a dupe for it which is the real techniques miracle sponge ( on which I have also wrote a review you can check it) . This real techniques one is just 450/- which is less than half price of tge beauty blender. But the beauty blender doesnt soak in foundation the way real techniques take, so here the benefit goes to beauty blender. I have both of then and dont find any difference just the soaking part but it doesnt makes quite a differençe.
The pointed end of beauty blender is used to apply concealer and the rounded end is used to apply foundation. Before using it the beauty blender needs to be dampened which is very important step.
-multiple uses
-blends foundation like magic
More dupes:
There are more cheaper dupes available in the market but real techniques one is the closest dupes for it. Many other such as PAC beauty blender are also good.
If you are not on budget then, go and definately buy it you will feel the change. Its literally a holy grail for makeup lovers and have changed the application of foundation.