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Member Since:Feb 09, 2017
1350 MS Points
I am a makeup enthusiast. I also love to watch movies and read books.
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I use this to set my foundation and it's wonderfu
Reviewed Johnsons Baby Powder
Yes you are reading right, I am using Johnsons baby powder to set my makeup or bake my face. As quirky as it sounds it works pretty well. I got this idea fromRead more...
Best concealer!!
Reviewed Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Dark Circle Concealer
Oh my god, I just cannot tell you how excited I was when I first bought this concealer. I wanted to buy this since it first came to market. But it had first lRead more...
Blends out perfectly!!!
Reviewed L A Girl Pro Conceal
I bought this concealer way before it came to India and with all the charges too I bought it at $3 which is about 200/-. The same concealer we get here at 595Read more...
Another best foundation in budget!!
Reviewed WET N WILD Photo Focus Foundation
I bought this foundation specially from amazon.com as my youtuber Tati recommended to buy this. You can now find this foundation now on Indian amazon too. I wRead more...
Just useless!!
Reviewed Lakme Perfecting Liquid Foundation
I just cannot beleive this ridiculous thing is made by lakme. Lakme is a really good brand and my most of the products are from lakme or maybelline. Lakme hasRead more...
Book was good, movies was ridiculous!!!
Reviewed Half Girlfriend - Chetan Bhagat
I mostly read books online but this book was bought by my brother. This was the first Chetan Bhagat book I ever read. This book was another of the hyped book Read more...
It's good!
Reviewed Clean & Clear Clear Fairness Face Wash
I always try new facewashes and clean and clear is a brand which has very good facewashes. I mostly use clean and clear facewashes and this is one of the faceRead more...
Just ok!
Reviewed Himalaya Herbals Deep Cleansing Apricot Face Wash
I have always liked cleansers with scrubbing properties, so I had to try this one. When I saw the price I was perplexed as it was very cheap. So I decided to Read more...
Best thing in this world!!
Reviewed Tetley Green Tea
Green tea has been a big change in my routine and a great one too. I started drinking tea for about 2 years back, and it has been great since. For the past yeRead more...
Mindbending book!!
Reviewed Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
What can I say? This is a mindblowing book. Gone girl book also has been quite famous in India. Many big bollywood stars were present during there book launchRead more...
I enjoyed it anyway!!
Reviewed Harry Potter And The Cursed Child - J K Rowling
I have heard a lot about this book. I had prebooked this book and got this when it released. I am a big fan of harry potter series so I decided to buy this boRead more...
Great aloe vera gel at this price.
Reviewed Green Leaf Pure Aloe Vera Skin Gel
I was kind of skeptical while buying this product as I had never heard from this brand. This is an ayurvedic brand and has many other ayurvedic products. FirsRead more...
Good service!
Reviewed Cafe Coffee Day - Dombivli - Thane
First I would really like to clarify that I utterly hate coffee or its smell but I would not let that make my vision cloudy about how good was the costuRead more...
Dries out even oily skin!!
Reviewed Ryaal Tea Tree Essential Oil
I had extensive acne, yeah! So trying tea tree oil was more than necessary. I know if you dont have you wont understand this. The people who had acne inRead more...
Good for the price!
Reviewed Aroma Magic Aromatic Skin Toner
A while ago I was reading about this new brand AROMA. I read that this brand is been coming up with great products and I wanted to try them. So I ordered someRead more...
Not satisfied!!
Reviewed Maybelline Colossal Kohl
Before buying maybelline collossal kohl I bought its superblack version which is so black and totally smudge free. But collossal kohl really dissapoints me. Read more...
Highlighter to splurge on!!
Reviewed Makeup Revolution London Vivid Shimmer Brick
Makeup revolution is a British company which is for about 28 years and running. This brand has lot of makeup products which works like magic. They also have sRead more...
Best oil for face and strech marks!!
Reviewed Bio Oil
For many years bio oil has been hyped about a lot so about 7 months ago I decide to buy it and try if the results and hype is true or not. My skin at that tiRead more...
Been there for 14 years!!
Reviewed Holy Angels School - Dombivli - Thane
Holy Angels School has been a home to me, since I have been there studying for 14 years I know every thing about it.Holy Angels school and Jr collRead more...
Neither a lipstick nor lip gloss!!
Reviewed Miss Claire Soft Matte Lip Cream
I love matte lipsticks or any matte products. Matte products stay on our face for a long time and do not budge. I have been listening about this brand for a lRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
If you don't read romantic books and if you don't read this one and just watch the movie, you will think that this movie is bad. But here I am saying that they have changed the story in many levels.
Just read the book. I am not saying that every book turned movie is worst but this was really a disaster
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