Scarlet’s story is so compelling that I read it all throughout the night. (Took casual leave the next day). It’s about how Scarlet O’ Hara (the main character) lives her life.
Scarlet is not particularly a good girl. She is a woman of rare, fiery spirit. (As Rhett Butler says). She is a perfect flirt and a very good beau stealer. She is totally ruthless when it comes to achieving her objective. Somewhere in the middle of the book, my respect for the character grew. For Scarlet is also a survivor. She represents the spirit of self-discovery, belief in self, sheer endurance and undying hope. Practical heroism. She is always moving ahead.
Ashley Wilkes is the dreamer lost in dreams, defeated in reality. He is an important person in Scarlet’s life. He is the man whom she had decided to love - blindly, madly, and stupidly. All her decisions have something to do with him. But she has never really understood him. Not until Melanie dies.
Melanie Wilkes is Ashley’s wife. She is the lady whom Scarlet had decided to hate blindly, madly, and stupidly. But the sequence of events in her life forces her to take care of Melanie. As Melanie lies in her deathbed, Scarlet realizes that Melanie has always been her best friend. Rhett was right. He had told her the same.
Rhett Butler is the practical man. He is as cunning and as selfish as Scarlet. Worst of all, he could read her mind quicker than she can imagine. Though she hates the scary feeling of her thoughts and virtues (or lack of it) being exposed to him, she likes the friend she always finds in him. He understands her during the crisis of her life, when no one supports her decision. Rhett and Scarlet are meant to be soul mates. They have the right compatibility. But Scarlet believes to be in love with Ashley and continues to live in her fool’s world till the day Melanie dies.
On Melanie’s death day she understands that she is no longer in love with Ashley and the man she really wants is none other than Rhett. She comes back to Rhett only to realize that she has already lost him. Even the purest of love dies one day. Rhett is not ready to accept her back. ‘Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn’. The story ends abruptly as truth of those words begins to sink in to Scarlet. But she has already taken the first step to move ahead, to win Rhett’s love back. After all tomorrow is another day.
Other characters add flavour and help in making the story move ahead. Looking at the length of the book, I did think that I might have to skip some pages in the middle. The description of war and darkies speech did seem boring. But for any person who wants to read this book, I could only say this. Don’t decide to finish it off quickly by jumping to the last few pages. You may not be able to appreciate the greatness of the book.
There are times in our life, when we realize that the people whom we decide to love are not exactly the greatest people we have ever met, and the people we have taken for granted are some of the most important ones.
There are times in our life, when we realize that we aren’t exactly living our life the way we wanted to live it and yet we are not exactly let down by our self. There are times in our life, when we do feel amazed at our own strength and endurance that we can still hold on. There are times in our life, when we stick to our decisions that truly define our character, no matter what others say.
There are times in our life, when we do certain things grudgingly and yet those are the ones that help us during tough days and make us feel stronger that we ever felt before. There are certain moments in life, which start a metamorphosis process at the end of which we come out as matured people ready to accept defeats with the head, and face the world with hope.
If life is about living such moments, this book covers it all. Unlike most classics it’s not a fairy tale. The story is built on the grounds of harsh reality. The reality of war, the darker sides of life like hunger and defeat, of growing up, of finding hope at the face of loss and most importantly moving ahead. All these put inside a well-written story with well-etched characters. This book will never loose its appeal. Gone with the wind is a masterpiece indeed.