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Member Since:Dec 22, 2004
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Education: B.E
Review of the Day (1)
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Rocking ROKR Z6
Reviewed Motorola MOTOROKR Z6
ROKR Z6 is Motorolas newest music phone. Released a few months before, the model is turning hot day-by-day. After tedious research on various music phonRead more...
Pure Excellence!!!
Reviewed Chak De India
Story: In word sentence, the story is how an underdog Hockey coach coaches his underdog Women’s Hockey team to world cup victory. In a sense, the story does aRead more...
Reviewed Pachaikili Muthucharam
Story: I had no idea that this movies storyline was inspired from a movie calledDerailed. I havent seen the original. Bollywood’s receRead more...
The Saga of The Cotton Hero
Reviewed Paruthiveeran
Its strange and ironical that Paruthiveeran is fairing well in the box office, when so-called saleable films dipped till soggy wet in to a thick syrup of sticRead more...
From: NY152 To: ShopGirl
Reviewed You've Got Mail
Tagline:* **Someone you pass on the street may already be the love of your life. At odds in life... in love on-line In a Nut Shell: Living inside a self creRead more...
DCH connects …
Reviewed Dil Chahta Hai
I love DCH The eligibility criteria for being recognized as a sane Indian possessing an un-demented mind is to like ‘Dil Chahtha Hai’(DCH) and name it as oneRead more...
Stylish Dead men and Sexy Robots on the Ramp!
Reviewed Dhoom 2
The Dead Men are back in D(h)oom 2. This time one of the dead men ‘John Abraham’ whose face is stiffer than a stick is replaced by a Dead Greek God – ‘HrithikRead more...
And Finally!
Reviewed Guru (2007)
*Story: *Mani is back with yet another well known secret. Last time it was the lives of two well known politicians of Tamil Nadu. This time it is an alleged Read more...
A judgmental review
Reviewed Kaun Banega Crorepati 3
Once again, it’s got the nation riveting but for a different reason. I mean this show. Yes, the show that once got the maximum viewership in India. No longer!Read more...
Hail the (Plastic) Queen of (Rubber) Hearts!!!
Reviewed Aishwarya Rai
*What can I say about Ash?* She reminds of an exotic techno-colored fish that lives in over-decorated glass tank. Her features are perfect; from the unblemRead more...
For those eyes that see…
Reviewed Bigg Boss
Concept A bunch of celebrities are locked up in a house and are forced to live without any contact with the outside world. Each one is assigned a few tasksRead more...
Peek in to the mind of a celebrity!
Reviewed The Outer World of Shahrukh Khan
Introduction The man has started life from scratch and had fought his way to the top. He didn’t have any God Father or star father or even a mere father to sRead more...
Do Ekta Kapoor’s Concepts Support Feminism?
Reviewed Serials produced by Ekta Kapoor
Ever watched the title credits of an Ekta Kapoor serial? The title called ‘Concept By’ will be taken up invariably by the queen herself. Ekta Kapoor! Yes, thaRead more...
Tricks of the Trade
Reviewed Tips on Great Acting
Listed below are a few trend-based criteria which can be used as survival tips for an actor / wannabe actor / star and wannabe star of this generation. DisclRead more...
Daily dose of Anxiety!
Reviewed Tips on Media and Controversy
A thought process inspired from http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-2054967, prtpage-1.cms Changing definitions As a child, I was taught thaRead more...
Well Attempted!!!
Reviewed Don: The Chase Begins Again
Inevitable Comparisons As Don, Amitabh had a certain grace; his calmness carried a certain menace. It was cool to watch him. It is, even now! As Vijay, AmitaRead more...
My Take on KANK ...
Reviewed Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
KANK is a movie about relationships which didn’t make sense to most of the viewers. With over 270 reviews already condemning thismovie, I was not too inclinedRead more...
Entertaining, Endearing and Unforgettable!
Reviewed Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge
I have one perpetual question in my head whenever I think of DDLJ, ‘Can I ever get tired of this movie?’ And, the answer is ‘Definitely, No!’ Story: Almost Read more...
In Memory of the ‘Crocodile Hunter’
Reviewed Crocodile Hunter
Steve Irwin is truly a man who lived life to the fullest! As a regular Animal Planet and Discovery Channel watcher, I have always enjoyed watching Steve IrwiRead more...
Lingering Real Memories …
Reviewed 7G Rainbow Colony
‘7 G Rainbow Colony’ is not yet another feel-good love story. It’s of the sort you will fondly remember almost like a sad love story of a close friend. Its onRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Boogeyman's review
sajiths, I am not a regular here. Just came around to check Ghajini ratings. Thanks for your replies to my comment.
a) He told CNN IBN - ’’I dont kiss my heroines’’ and with in 30 seconds they show him kissing Anushka Sharma in a function for not less than 1 minute with a title ’’Kissing Khan’’ -- He meant a French Kiss. Strange that you do not understand. b) Another interview in NDTV for promo of RNBDJ ’I Read More...
Boogey, I have read enough of your reviews about SRK films and not commented about it. You have bashed everything including CDI as I can remember. The RNBDJ review had some cheap stuff comparing SRK to a dog etc ... Its clear you do not like his 'style of acting'. I do not understand what is Read More...
Rated on Boogeyman's review
Useless review. Why does SRK bother you so much? I have seen you disgusting reviews of all SRK movies. So much hate is not good for health. If you hate him why do you watch his movies in the first place. I would advice you to rather watch your favourite Aamir Khan who has finally gotten near the Read More...
Rated on hermit's review
Commented on hermit's review
True True. Aamir is poor man's Kamal Hassan. :) If not for him, who else we've got?
sajiths, Well it depends, if you like gimmicks or not. I mean all this hoopla around the new look of Aamir and his supposed 'method acting'.
I am sorry to disappoint. I have watched Tamil Ghajini. So I can vouch that if you go to watch this hindi version, having Momento in mind, then you are going to be severely disappointed.
Commented on indian1969's review
Bookmarked this review. Good one. Thanks for sharing your life observations on the topic.
Rated on CALA's review
Rated on rajat.dey's review
Commented on rajat.dey's review
Most worthless article. 'Pls Justify .. can he ever made any good action movie ?? Is he fit for comedy ...??? Can any of his movie has ... social message ??? the same Stammering romantic hero........' Why should anyone try to justify SRK to you?
Rated on BoomShum's review
Commented on BoomShum's review
Are you a psychiatrist? If you aren't, it is not right to write such things with authority. I guess psychiatrist would not surely publish such statements ... Anyway, most celebrities in the world suffer from NPD and Amitabh Bachchan seems more pretentious than SRK ...
Rated on kush_arora's review
Commented on kush_arora's review
This book truly captures the horrific state of affairs in Afghanistan in first person narrative. It clearly depicts how fundamentalist and separatist had killed innocence, humanity and peace in the nation. That perhaps is its soul. The language and story do not actually matter. Its a pity that you d Read More...
Commented on harjeet_rakhra's review
I don't think anybody is gonna bash you. OSO has got quite a few negative reviews... Even the positive only say its only an entertainer. OSO is one of those movies that appear like an insult to intelligence if you think too much. I think you are on the thinking side. :)
Sorry ... Guess opinions differ sometimes by a large margin! Neat review. Not sure how to rate it as I don't agree with half of it ...
'lack of humor' is a con??? Did you really watch the movie?
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