Hathway HUMAX set top boxes are available with cable TV provider. It is reasonably priced.It Improves the quality of picture and audio by great extent. Case of operating with organised channels and you get more number of channels. It reception of all the channes were improved.
Some times you get pictures like in scratched DVD.(pixels) Recently they have upgraded the software, I dont know why ? Actually it is downgrade of the almost trouble free service. After this download on which user dont have any control either to stop or proceed.
The trouble started!!! to start with upon switching on the power supply it would take time to respond remote. and will start with full volume on which you again dont have any control. some channels are of bad quality. I found that my favorite channel setting are no more there. volume bar almost invisible. Difficult find. switching on and off is difficult.
When cable guy has same kind of complaints from other users. and he promised the it will be back tooriginal normal self. but nothing moved after 2 months. when I tried to contact their office the Phone number given in their web site is doesnt exist. Moreover there is no email id to contact.