Wherever we are, whatever we do, one thing is common. Aprreciation often gets the best results from everybody. So what are you gonna lose if you appreciate someones efforts? Nothing, But many people do not realise this. Also, a little dose of contructive criticism has not harmed anybody. The more comments, we get, the better we would aspire to be next time. So friends, do comment on the reviews we write, even if it means reading some reviews all over again.
Having said that, Let me tell you how I rate folks.
As with most other reviewers, The HR goes for those, who write descriptive yet to the point reviews. Also those, whose reviews strike a chord with me somewhere. Often, after so much time, we do realise, who writes quality reviews, so I do check them out and rate them accordingly. Folks like Pallavi(Jilmil), SPuthran, Venchasa, Rosie to name amongst the many, have a penchantr for saying just the right thing in right doses. They usually merit an HR.
The R, goes for those people who have made a decent effort, but whose reviews lack the said punch.The reviews are good, but they could have been best(this is where comments, constructive or otherwise would help).
SR, This is a review, that is written with half a heart, or one that is biased or where, the point is not made clear at all.
NR: This Id say depends on every individuals view point. I normally give this(tho its rare) when I totally disagree with any particular view. Or when there is absolutely no honest content.
That is how I rate it.But as mentioned above, and again now, do comment on a review, one line, 2 lines doesnt matter, but do help us in improving our reviews.