Category Expert
Celebrity Writer
Star Writer
Its a tough job describing what you are! Me, I am a cool guy, who generally takes things in an easy way. I believe that we are here, living Life, because of a purpose. What is that I am gonna find out. The most important maxim in my life is this: Love yourself truly, and you will love others better.

Self esteem is potent stuff pals. For me, I have always been amongst friends. Those who are committed to friendship, I am committed too. For me, friendship spells as honesty, trust and commitment. All other is just acquaintance.

The most powerful mantra in the world is LOVE, just unconditional Love.

My other passions would be my family, Photography - Here I am rather hooked on what is known as Macro Photography. Sure love landscapes and nature too. My other passion is photographing kids.
Then there is reading, which takes me to difeerent worlds and dimensions. Music, which often elevates me, dancing whenever I get the chance.
I love Icecreams n chocolates and anything that is tasty. I love to travel, be amongst nature. Love Dogs.
And to end it all, here’s my Signature :

Death is not the greatest loss in life.
The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live
. Photography, Music,Travel,Reading,surfing the net,chat