This must come as the eighth wonder of the world. Some of our MPs want SachKaSaamna (SKS), a reality show that bares the participants’ dark secrets, BANNED. Nothing can be further from reality or truth. After a while, one wishes to question these MPs on what basis they reached this conclusion. Since people are loving t and MPs are peoples’ representative, it’s a wonder their conclusion can be so contrary.
Let’s begin from the beginning. SKS opened to a record rating of 4.59 that is unparalled. The peoples’ response to the show by itself is huge. There are many, who wish to participate in it and wash their dirty linen in the public. (It must be more to do with being on a popular show that to revealing or maybe both.)
The best part is the participants know the questions before hand. Out of 55 questions, 21 are asked. So, there is no question of complaining. Even in between the show, a participant can leave it. And the best part is people are loving it, going by the response of the people.
But the MPs, who are the peoples’ voice, react adversely. The Information and Broadcasting Ministry has ‘threatened’ to shut down the host channel for use of unparliamentary language on the show. And the icing on the cake is the Delhi High Court has been petitioned to stop its telecast.
Considering the sort of language being used by the politicians in the Parliament or anywhere, isn’t it time for these MPs to correct their fraternity first. Or is it time to derive mileage out of a popular show. IF SKS was not so popular, would the same MPs tom tom about its language. Are these MPs the nation’s or peoples’ keepers? Unfortunately most become MP for the post and pelf rather than serve the nation and its people.
If these MPs did their duty, then such a petty issue wouldn’t become an issue. If language was an issue (as s being made out to be) then let them learn a polite society’s language. But what we see on the Idiot Box is a platform for these MPs to settle personal scores in Parliament. And the more unparliamentary language the better.
If anyone of these MPS sat on the hot seat and revealed their dark secrets? Probably this is the fear that is making them demand the show being taken off. Let these MPs sit on the hot seat or be banned.
Instead of taking off the show, it is time to de elect these MPs and re elect a more responsible one. This should be the first in the history of India. But it will set an example before other weird MPs, who may have more weireder ideas. Or is it to increase the TRPs of this show that these MPs are raking a non-issue. Many other shows use more profane language and go scot free. (Probably these MPs are not aware of them as they don’t make news!)
If they are peoples’ representative, then they must bow down to the peoples’ verdict. And that is the people love it. Isn’t it time the MPs grew up mentally and broadened their vision? Let not the ones, who break the record, make others not follow their record.
People have already passed their verdict over SKS. Ambika Soni would do well to respect it. Or let’s wait for what the Delhi High Court has to say in the matter?
In the meanwhile, it is time to have our own moment of truth (if not in private then) on the idiot box. Evenings were never this entertaining. Let’s thank Rajiv Khandelwal, the participants and Star India for it.