Time magazine is one of the best and well-known current affairs mags out there. Every week, it deals with issues in the news, all over the world and examines the stories and people behind the headlines. Sometimes, it does in-depth explorations into breakthroughs in a certain field, for instance - medical and science - as was seen recently when they looked into the human cloning issue. They are always on the forefront, and go into war-stricken areas, to deal with things like famine and massacres of innocent people. They seem to care passionately, but they are not beholden to anybody - they write it as it is and it makes for very interesting reading. If they step on somebodys toes - oh well.
I subscribe to Time , because I find it invaluable as a resource for keeping abreast of what is going on in the world, and who the players are in the political arenas all over. I also like the fact that Time supports education, and is a useful tool for students in schools around the world. It provides an awful lot of information.
Time is a good quality magazine printed on glossy paper, and is definitely cheaper if you subscribe rather than just pick it up off the news-stand. Most libraries in the USA have copies available in their reference department, and some other countries would do well to follow this lead.