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South Carolina
Member Since:Mar 12, 2001
0 MS Points
I love people, and am interested in travel. Do not like flying so QE2 back and forth across the Atlantic between home (now the USA) and England (''back home''). I am a poet and wannabe writer. I'm passionate about early childhood education, and that childhood should be a magical experience. I am also avidly interested in history, conservation, model trains, and all sorts of other stuff. I enjoy the camaraderie on sites like this, and of course, the respect earned. I am a cheapie - if I can get something for free, or cheaper than full price, I will (and I'll tell everyone about it!) I run a couple of home businesses, fight a losing battle of the bulge, am 51 years old , mother of 3, grandmother of 9, stepgrandmother to 2. Married 20 years now to Mark, 42, an aircraft mechanic.
About Me
Education: College
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Reviewed Click
Critics panned this movie and I can understand why. Fans of Adam Sandler, expecting his usual comedy offerings, will doubtless be disappointed as it is much hRead more...
I now say ''NO!'' to Coke!
Reviewed Coca Cola
If you had asked me about Coca-Cola 20 years ago, I would have written a different review than I am today. Then, Coke was a refreshing drink - something to quRead more...
It's the best!
Reviewed Tide Detergent
Its a known fact that if you are raised a certain way, you will probably raise your children the same way and the same likelihood exists when it comes tRead more...
The heritage of the Cherokee Indian comes alive
Reviewed North Carolina
Sometimes you just get this idea that you want to get away from it all- the everyday existence, the daily slog, dull routine. Maybe liRead more...
Good printer, cheap price
Reviewed Lexmark Z43
It was a choice of buying another cartridge for my older Lexmark, which still worked fine but was slow and noisy, or blowing money on a new one. Ever the cheaRead more...
MMMMmmm - better than greasy burgers
Reviewed Subway - Churchgate - Mumbai
Subway is an American fast food tradition, for when you want something different from burgers and fries. Their offering began as a humble 6 or fooRead more...
Spanish Fly - had the opposite effect on me!
Reviewed Spanish Fly - Alwal - Secunderabad
Its the stuff that locker and bar room jokes are made of, Spanish Fly - the wonder booster for your sex-life, right? Wrong!The aphrodisiac of lore turnRead more...
Nice to see it growing
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
What do I like about Mouthshut?  Well, from humble beginnings it has held its own and continues to grow and improve. As more international members have Read more...
Yes, I'll remember The Titans!
Reviewed Remember the Titans
Yes, I will Remember The Titans. It was one of those feel good movies where, although you know it all worked out in the end (because iRead more...
A web of deceit
Reviewed Along Came a Spider
I love Morgan Freeman. I think he is an incredible actor and I could watch him all day. He really manages to get inside his characters and make them become reRead more...
Much more than what it seems!
Reviewed American History X
At first glance, it did not seem like a movie Id be interested in. Neo-Nazis, racism, the language was full of racial slurs. Somehow though, it intrigueRead more...
Time for a reality check?
Reviewed Andromeda Strain, The - Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton is one of those writers who has used his imagination to come up with incredible plots and twists with a variety of subject matter. If I rememRead more...
Great cars, casino battlefield and ...Elvis??
Reviewed 3000 Miles to Graceland
I dont understand the bad reviews that this movie received. Yes, some of the action scenes were very bloody but thats why Read more...
Excellent movie
Reviewed Enemy at the Gates
This movie was nothing like I expected, but then again, Im not sure what I expected. Another World War 2 movie? Good guys and bad guys? I have to say, aRead more...
Not what I expected
Reviewed The Family Man
This movie left me feeling very depressed, and I have no idea why. It was not what I had expected. The advertising had made it seem like a comedy, and yet thiRead more...
A good pizza at a reasonable price
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Sion - Mumbai
I must admit that out of all the pizzas available with delivery, Dominos is my favourite. Pizza by its very nature is greasy - after all what is cheese Read more...
If you want pizza ....
Reviewed Pizza Hut - Juhu Tara Road - Mumbai
Pizza Hut - even the name makes your mouth water. Everyone knows they do all manner of pizzas, but their all-you-can-eat lunch buffet is even better than justRead more...
Still going strong after all these years
Reviewed Pears Soap
Pears soap has been around for about a hundred years, and is one of the favourite smells that remind me of my childhood. It is pure, made from glycerine and iRead more...
Everyone knows this name
Reviewed Chanel Fragrances
Coco Chanel was a tiny women with immense talent for creating perfumes. Of all the ones she created, the one for which she is most famous for is just called &Read more...
What do you stand to lose?
Reviewed Sixfigureincome
I joined Six Figure Income last month and am $16 richer now. <smile> But even without that ... I do have faith in this scheme. Ill tell you why. ARead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on attractiveforce's review
This is a decent review but I'd have liked to have learned a little more about the movie ... such as the soundtrack, story line, etc. If you edit this let me know and I'll come back and re-rate. A good review Rose:)
Rated on attractiveforce's review
Commented on mishtu123's review
Sorry for the low rating but I want to know WHY you rate these actors the way they do, what were their best performances, what makes them better than the others? Tell me more ... Rose:)
Rated on mishtu123's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
Life has become something that many people around the world no longer cherish or respect. Muslims are being blamed for the atrocities committed by some who profess the faith but don't actually live by the tenets of it. For centuries men have committed evil and tried to put the blame on religion an Read More...
Rated on Cousin2's review
Commented on jilmil's review
I loved it, and I'm one of the hated English, although I now live in America. I had heard about this movie beforehand, but hadn't realised it was a Bollywood movie at all. Watching it was a pleasure. Although fiction, I realised it was based on historical facts concerning the taxes that the B Read More...
Followed jilmil
Rated on jilmil's review
Commented on Donnie013's review
very easy to read op, enjoyed it. I'm also a fan of this show - and must admit I've always thought it taught a great deal about the real work that goes on behind the scenes. It really is interesting and I'm amazed at the different ways they often approach the same thing. Rose:)
I, too, enjoy this programme and I feel that it makes you more aware of the many things that these people have to look into for EVERY death that is not normal or expected (for instance, of old age). I think the actors work very well together and the presentation is wonderful. Likewise your revie Read More...
Commented on Cindy's review
This is one of my favourite tv programmes also. Enjoyed reading your op, nicely done. Rose:)
Rated on Donnie013's review
Rated on Cindy's review
Followed dazzlingpiscean
Rated on dazzlingpiscean's review
Commented on mapfin's review
But it's too late for me. I now have osteoporosis and didn't realise the caffeine and phosphoric acid were leaching the calcium that should have been going to my bones. and aspartame in the diet variety has been linked to all manner of symptoms, and turns to formaldehyde. Scary! Good op. Rose: Read More...
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