promises a chance at winning money - and all you have to do is click your mouse! Personally, I think its a fraud, but that is yet to be proven one way or another. But, if youve actually won cash from this site, please leave a comment and let me know. It would definitely make my day!
Anyway, is a simple prize site, and is often cited as being highly addictive. Its very simple to play, really.
You are given an enormous grid - with numerous, almost-countless pixels making up an image of a giant tree. Click anywhere on the grid that you want. If - and I repeat IF - you click on the right pixel, you win money. Each time you click you are given a gauge of just how close you are to the prize. This is a great idea, as it compels many users to try it again.
After a few tries, a monkey comes onto your screen, spewing insults and criticizing the way you are playing. Its a taunting little creature, one that I would gladly punch if doing so would not wreck my brand-new monitor. This also motivates users to keep playing - theres nothing like a deep-seated rage to get the mouse clicking!
Sometimes you are given a chance to box with the monkey. Its a neat little JavaScript game, but very difficult to win. Should you win, you are awarded the prize of a plush monkey mailed to your home. Isnt that special? Truth be told, I dont know of many people who were able to kick the monkeys tail in the boxing ring in order to win this prize, but it has happened before.
So, overall, if you want to win a plush toy, is the site for you. Its free, but it does take up a bit of your time.
If youre looking to get money on the Internet, stick to or some other site that actually fulfills its promises without making you jump through hoops.
Overall, I believe is a fraud - a very frustrating, annoying one at that! I havent visited the site in ages, but I can still remember my dislike for the misleading, empty promises and harsh comments delivered by the monkey.