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Member Since:Oct 11, 2001
0 MS Points
MouthShut's staff lie like rugs, dude. They tell International (i.e. non-Indian) users that they'll get paid, but several accounts have been closed because those users raised Cain about NOT getting their vouchers and or checks. I don't care about the money. I never expected to see it - and if it DID ever show up, it would be a paltry little sum, as Indian Rupees aren't worth crap compared to the mighty U.S. Dollar. <B>What pisses me off is that these people are lying to us day in and day out. They change the redemption policy - but there were no redemptions! They claimed that they had answered every single e-mail sent to them, but they didn't answer mine when I requested that my work be deleted from this site so that I could move on without leaving anything behind for them to make money from. </B> <I>My Final Verdict:</I> <B>MouthShut is full of shit.</B>. Guess what? I STILL think MouthShut sucks. AND I NEVER GOT THAT MEMBER E-MAIL IN WHICH THE REST OF YOU WERE INFORMED ABOUT CHANGES IN THEIR REDEMPTION POLICY.
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The Condom Of The Internet!
Reviewed Mouthshut
MouthShut has some great points about it. Those would be: Member Opinions. Users from ALL over the world can sign up for a free membership. Then, these usersRead more...
The Way Things Ought To Be.
Reviewed Rating Reviews on MouthShut
Unfortunately, I cannot have a MouthShut Utopia in which every user rates fairly, Revenge Rating is abolished, and Clicking Cartels are unheard of. Instead, IRead more...
MouthShut won't be in MY Trusted Circle!
Reviewed MouthShut Trusted Circle
Ladies and gentlemen, please read this as many times as possible before MouthShuts Webmasters get themselves into a twitch and delete it. With that beiRead more...
TalkCity Is Worse Than...
Reviewed Talkcity
There are a million things that I would rather do than chat at TalkCity.com. Stand in the shower and shave my head with a cheese grater while chewing on tinfRead more...
Memories Of Dad.
Reviewed Head & Shoulders Shampoo
When we think of our fathers, often certain images come to mind. Baseballs thrown in early evenings before dark. A big guy with a briefcase in one hand and a Read more...
Christmastime In My House.
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Brother
Okay. I’m broke most of the time - especially right now, as I’m not employed. Even so, I have to find the perfect Christmas gift for FOUR younger Read more...
It's Just MOM, Guys!
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Mother
Hey.Mom will gush and bawl like a baby over any old thing we get her this Christmas, right? Yeah. She always does. When I was four I gave her a flashlight batRead more...
Bigger Isn't Always Better.
Reviewed Choosing a Sound System
A couple of years ago, when I was making over eight bucks an hour with guaranteed overtime, I decided to buy a new stereo system for my bedroom. With that in Read more...
Reviewed Art Of Bargaining
Bargaining. Yes, it’s an art form, but it’s so disgustingly simple I don’t even know why I’m discussing it. You see, it’s very eRead more...
Hands-On Experience.
Reviewed Branded Vs. Assembled Computers
There is nothing wrong with walking into your local computer superstore(or perhaps Gateway Country) and buying a brand-new system that will show up in your liRead more...
Compact And Flawless!
Reviewed Nullsoft WinAmp
I have played MP3 and other audio files on my various computer systems for several years now, starting in the late nineties. In fact, I’ve got a FlogginRead more...
Piracy Or Test-Drive?
Reviewed Should Napster be Banned
When you are buying a new car, you want to test drive it. When you’re investing in a home, you will obviously look at it before you fork over your moneyRead more...
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
Sometimes, when reading a review - however well-written or informative it might be - that is the one word that comes to my mind. ’’Huh?’RRead more...
A great room at a better price.
Reviewed Tips On Obtaining Hotel Discount
I have several mottos. One of them is ’’NEVER PAY FULL PRICE.’’ Often I can actually get away with living by my motto - seeing as I haRead more...
Nothing Like A Clean Start!
Reviewed Cleaning Your Hard Drive
I like cleaning out my hard drive. It’s like getting a brand-new start: No old files collecting dust, no outdated software to get in my way, no memory-eRead more...
AH! I Got A Virus!
Reviewed Choosing an AntiVirus Software
A virus is simply a series of malicious code that was assembled by a computer geek somewhere in the world with the intention of attacking your system. Some viRead more...
Naughty But Fun!
Reviewed Back For The First Time - Ludacris
If you wish to listen to a recording in which women are degraded, rap superstars are made, and several clearly-definied lines of etiquette and good taste are Read more...
What Do You Love?
Reviewed Choosing the Right Career
My mother gave me some sound advice when I was a young teen-ager desperately struggling to decide how to spend the rest of my life. She said something to thiRead more...
High-quality, Flexible Web Sites.
Reviewed Building a Website
Designing, building, and maintaining a Web site does not require any knowledge of Hyper-Text Markup Language(HTML), JavaScript, Virtual Reality Modeling LanguRead more...
A Caffeine Addict's Dream Come True.
Reviewed Mountain Dew
My mother has learned not to wake me up before I am good and ready to fall out of my waterbed and onto my floor. It took her twenty years to figure this out: Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed testcorp3
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Guys, girls, men, women, et cetera ... all I did was speak my mind. It's unfortunate that something so simple as honesty - not to mention inquisitive nature - is apparently considered criminal by some members. All I'm saying is that, while MouthShut DOES let me speak my mind about certain things Read More...
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Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajendra K. Gupta (@cityjuMouthShut Verified Member)
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TalentSprint Private Limited (@TalentSprintMouthShut Verified Member)
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Bhavana Rathi (@BALICMouthShut Verified Member)
Nirali Potdar (@nimipotdar1995MouthShut Verified Member)