I recently bought a Nokia 3220 and as you know, Hutch is the only service provider with the Edge Technology. The day was of Ramzan and I desperately wanted to take the connection on that day.
So I went to the TTK Road, Alwarpet branch of Hutch (The one in the IBM building) but it was closed and the only guy present there, taking care of billing, I suppose, was helpful enough to tell me that their Nungambakam branch would be open. I went there and this is what I discovered....
The reception:
All the executives were busy attending other customers, so I parked myself awaiting someone to be free. The moment one of the associates got free, I was promptly invited to the desk. Like any Cellular executive they suggested I take their most expensive plan etc.. Finally, we settled on a plan that I wanted and in 5-10 minutes the entire paperwork was done.
They accepted a credit cards photo was also accepted in lieu of photograph. I was told that my connection would be activated in 2 hrs and just when I was about to leave, the manager, I suppose, asked me if I could wait for 10 minutes so that they can activate the connection right away. I did stay back and believe me I was making my first call in 10 minutes. That was fast.
The Gifts:
The Show room had the courtesy to call me again the next day to inform me that there is a gift with the connection I got (it was watch, a cheap on e ok! but who cares, coz I am not gonna wear it). They asked me if there is anything they could do for me!! How many times do hear that from Indian companies??
The follow-up:
They called me after 10 days to find out if I am happy with the connection. This is was even more fantastic!! Anyone who has travelled the world would know how rare it is that vendors call the customers back to find out if everything is ok!! The only ones that do become the legends! Like Hutch! They had not activated my Roaming, so I asked them (The call was from the Nungambakam Hutch shop). Although, this wasnt really done, I am planning to go to the personally to sort this out.
The Verdict:
If you are in Chennai and are keen on taking a GSM connection, Id strongly recommend the Hutch Shop at Nungambakam. These guys are really professionals. I am sure this center of Hutch in Chennai must me the best shop for Hutch in India! They could any Circuit City store in Us to shame with their service!
BTW, I did not face the problem of getting answers in Tamil in this shop. All of them speak English pretty well (Its a rarity in Chennai!!). It really helped be because I dont understand it even a bit!!