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Member Since:Aug 11, 2004
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Education: PG
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Hutch lives upto their ads! Really!!
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
I recently bought a Nokia 3220 and as you know, Hutch is the only service provider with the Edge Technology. The day was of Ramzan and I desperately wanted toRead more...
Of ''False Pats on back'' and more....
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
I am not compulsive reviewer at Mouthshut, neither am I an ardent fan of the reviews written here. I bumped into this website when I wRead more...
Pretty Darn Good
Reviewed Dominos 'Thirty minutes, nahin to free!' commercial
This Ad caught my notice during the recent cricket season. The guy who came up with this concept must have been similar to my friend in Hyderabad (in 2003) haRead more...
Alto LX/LXI - Ain't that High
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto LX
Honestly, I do not own this car. My uncle who lives with us in Hyderabad, bought one 6 months back. Anyways, since we were a joint family unitl I moved to CheRead more...
Stock this if you can find one
Reviewed Santiago
Santiago! The name itself reminds you of South America. When I returned from the US in 2002, Hyderabad was all changed. New pubs came up. The choice of drinksRead more...
Pasha Keep out if you're an outoftowner
Reviewed Pasha The Park - Nungambakkam - Chennai
OK! I recently moved to Chennai from Hyderabad- Just a couple of Months back. As usual, heard a lot of the party scene at Chennai, so much so that was lookingRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on pritamshetty's review
Dude, the Ipod has one of the best UIs in the world. Its pure innovation to the max. Apple makes products that are out of the box, easy to use, stunning in looks, rugged in usage etc etc.... this makes them expensive. They are not for just rich, they are for the rich who are tech savvy. and they de Read More...
Commented on anuragg's review
The best mileage I got in City driving in Chennai (With AC) is 12.5. Could you please tell me how you are able to acheive 14.5 kmpl with AC in City driving? i am sure Chennai and Delhi are not too different in terms of traffic pattern
Commented on venkatasiva08's review
What history of Non-Whites is there to show to the world (with proofs???) There have been many telecasts of the freedom struggle etc.... The fact is history of non-european and non-american countries isn't so interesting. History channel caters to viewers who are interested in the history of Read More...
Commented on nounderscore's review
Pretty good list of top 10 man!! Although, I'd rate Dil Chahta Hai in the top5 and would rule out Mughal-e-azam out of the list!! Well, anyways, I do agree with others in the list!!
Commented on venkat_rs's review
How on earth can one say LOTR is boring? Only fobs, H-1bs think it is!!Make no mistake, this movie is not just a simple good Vs Evil story like Ramayana. This is Tolkien!! As usual, you got your kudos from your sucker friends! God help you people!
Commented on Arnie's review
Sachin is a big loser. No wait a minute, He's not!! He's bigger than a hollywood actor. Which hollywood actor can fake that he's world'd greatest cricketer? Going by his ads, he should be given the title of ' God of Crooket'. He's a con!! We should get rid of him!!
Commented on deepashpuri's review
Hello!!! National is nothing but panasonic in the West!! We had National/Panasonic M/W Ovens in US. I am sure you must be having that in Canada!, unless Canada is not a major market for panasonic. BTW: National is not launched officially in India!! Whoever buys it is getting through the grey-mark Read More...
Commented on subghosh's review
It is one of the most F***ed up sites on the web. Too many ads, junk reviews (wait a minute, much better than ones on MS, but I call junk because these guys are paid to write movie reviews etc), lot of hype
Commented on own review
Honestly, there are no ill fealings towards Tamil, its just that I get frustrated when businesses speak in regional languages...
Commented on ummagumma's review
B'lore has plenty of Hindi/english speaking poulation but 'is' not the gateway to south. I am sure HYD is.. and HYD speaks only Hindi(or Hyderabadi as you call it).
The fact that people 'can' speak English here makes it tolerable than Chennai, Bombay and Delhi! Wait a minute, why I should I complain about Delhi not being an english-friendly city, afterall its not in India, its in Khalistan!! Regarding the drinks being pricey, you should check other cities Read More...
Nishanu34, I never said I didn't like the format. I said, the whole purpose is lacking when people give false pats and write reviews about stupid topics as if thery are addicted to writing reviews. You beter read my lines thoroughly before making a judgement. Anyways, I like the fact that you agr Read More...
Commented on madlalya's review
I guess the reviewer hasn't travelled the world. Fosters is acheap beer in America. sometimes, its cheaper that bud. All these Indians like anythng that is advertised. and BTW, Fosters is not even in the top 5 beers of Australia
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
Arun Talukdar (@aruntalukdarMouthShut Verified Member)
Captainplayer44 (@captainplayer827MouthShut Verified Member)
Shamil013 (@Shamil013MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 12
Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)
Mano Karan (@tmanokarMouthShut Verified Member)
Anulika Mishra (@anulikamishra1MouthShut Verified Member)
Nolan (@NolanIscoMouthShut Verified Member)