The ads say much less about the profile of a company. I had used Hutch for around an year and a half, and at the end of the day, I was totally pissed off by the CRM they maintain. The connection is wonderful in terms of network but the recent customer care centres are proving to be a nightmare for customers. The executives start bugging you for the bill 10 days before the due date. You try explaining them that I am working and it would not be possible to make payment in weekdays, but they again call up the next morning. If you insist on not calling agin, they hang up the phone (..yes if the executive is terribly hurt) and may advise you like a mom on the pros and cons of avoiding their calls.
The tariffs for post paid customers are northbound and give you a what the hell feeling. On roaming they charge 3.79 per min which is as good as no calls please statement. They do not innovate products like idea or airtel which makes them more boring that ways. suggestion, think of other options.