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Member Since:Sep 13, 2005
0 MS Points
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Education: MBA/PGDM
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Samsung Monte- Fully Loaded
Reviewed Samsung S5620 Monte
I have always been a Nokia fan and always looked down to the Korean manufacturers, until I found Samsung Monte. This is a new boy in the league of touch screeRead more...
IFB is amazing
Reviewed Choosing a Washing Machine
Requirement: A washing machine which can: clean all dirt, sweat, pollution and occassional spots of ketchup, oil and grease. uses less water, less detergentRead more...
Very good place to dine (but without wine)
Reviewed Dana Choga Restaurant - Sector 14 - Gurgaon
In a place like Gurgaon, where you can hardly see anything except buildings, brands, big malls...this restaurant deserves a special mention. Situated just oppRead more...
Another Marathon Runner from Nokia
Reviewed Nokia 6233
Initially...8250. Small, Slim and Blue lights. Great Phone Later.....6610. Shapely, handy and smart. Excellent Piece. Now.....6233. 3G phone, corporate subtRead more...
You & I in this beautiful fight club
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
The ads say much less about the profile of a company. I had used Hutch for around an year and a half, and at the end of the day, I was totally pissed off by tRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Yes. The phone has pdf reading capability. It contains a default open source pdf in it.
The camera does not have any flash or auto focus, but has smile detection and geo tagging.
Rated on elegant's review
Commented on shah.rizwan's review
Nice headline rizwan. Shows your level of frustration. Even I have 2 airtel postpaid connections. I had specifically requested not to send me a paper bil, because it never gets delivered at my address. I made a complaint, send 15 messages, applied for e-bill on internet login, but still it is not re Read More...
Rated on shah.rizwan's review
Rated on pradeep83's review
Rated on lewisavinash's review
Rated on revenger's review
Commented on revenger's review
some weirdo can talk about avenger like this. Better seek an astrologer for your long life.
Followed jasmine
Rated on praveenkumarpandey's review
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