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Member Since:Mar 02, 2016
226 MS Points
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Must read this b4 you buy
Reviewed Sony PCG-F580 VAIO Notebook
I have been looking for a notebook and but was not satsified by alot of them, till I found this one. This is my first experience with sony and I found taht itRead more...
WATCH this before you
Reviewed Samsung T1 500 Gb Solid State Drive External Hard Drive
This is a samsung product. No doubt, samsung is a good brand and people are just crazy for samsung product. But today I am going to give you guys my hones advRead more...
My genuine opinion
Reviewed Samsung RT39HDJTESP-TL 393 L Double Door Refrigerator
I have been looking for a fridge. But when I look upon this one. I thought it would be great because it is of LG But when I bought it and started to use it. Read more...
Watch this b4 you buy
Reviewed Mi Band
I have been looking for a fitness band like this. I have liked this Mi band after a long researches. This is a cool band which comes with a lot of features. MRead more...
Stunning smartphone
Reviewed LG Nexus 5
I found this smartphone online when I was looking for a cool device for my youtube and it attracts my eyes. It is realky nice device in this price. If you arRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on abhienath22's review
Nice review thanks
Rated on abhienath22's review
Commented on sagarmehta2209's review
Really helpful bro
Rated on sagarmehta2209's review
Commented on amitkmr6323's review
Honest revidw thanksyou
Rated on amitkmr6323's review
Commented on rhtgupta41's review
Found this one useful
Rated on rhtgupta41's review
Rated on contactkalyantewa's review
Commented on zaygandhi's review
Thats true one
Rated on zaygandhi's review
Commented on husainasif515253's review
Nice information sir
Rated on husainasif515253's review
Commented on Sundeep_leo's review
Thus is most heloful
Rated on Sundeep_leo's review
Commented on IM_Cool's review
Gis is very useful
Rated on IM_Cool's review
Commented on mailtospokhriyal's review
Thanku fir this review
Rated on mailtospokhriyal's review
Commented on JayJayam's review
Honesy review thanks
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