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Member Since:Jan 05, 2017
120 MS Points
I am a freelance content writer online. I am also trying to become a successful affiliate marketer though I have seen a little success in the past few years. Music, yoga, reading
About Me
Education: Graduate
Quotes: Help Ever, Hurt never.
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Attractive Ambience Makes A Nursery Child-friendl
Reviewed Tips on Nursery Furniture
After a comfortable and cozy life for almost two years at home, a child gets to spend a large part of his/her time at school. This is a very big change for thRead more...
Playschool - A Second Home To Children
Reviewed Tips on Nursery School
You can see playschools in almost every area of the city, the main reason for this being the need for them. Of course, there is also a feeling among the publiRead more...
Sorry Mambalam Iyers-I Would Choose Another Brand
Reviewed Mambalam Iyers Pickle
Mambalam Iyers Pickle is a popular brand and does get rave reviews from a few but unfortunately my personal opinion about this brand is not very good. There iRead more...
Possession of Chennai Flat - A Far-Fetched Dream
Reviewed Indiabulls Real Estate - Chennai
I booked an apartment in India Bulls Greens, Perumbakkam, (this was much before the approval was got for 19 floors) in November, 2010. Initially, everything lRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed srinivasana
Commented on sivafizanarivu's review
Hi, When did you book this apartment? Phase II bookings started in 2010 and I am one of the gullible buyers who have been waiting for more than 7 years to get the completed flat. There is some consolation now that RERA rules have come into force and it is likely that the project may be completed soo Read More...
Rated on parkarabhishek's review
Commented on vinothkumar2it's review
Very true...it is a waste of time engaging with this builder as it builds up stress as well as monetary losses. I understand that there are many apartments in Phase II that have not been sold yet. Advertisements for Phase III have begun, I don't understand the logic behind this...all this means Read More...
Commented on LoverThunderBird's review
Hi, Recently the flat registration for my E block flat was completed but still no clear answer about handing over received. Feeling anxious and frustrated over the entire issue. Many of my friends who booked their apartments elsewhere have started living in their new homes since long. Fingers cro Read More...
Commented on mmanimuthu123's review
Commented on lakxmisingh2006's review
It is true that Phase 2 development has been going on from 2010 as I am one of the unfortunate owners of one of the apartments in Phase 2. http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Indiabulls-Real-Estate-Chennai-review-oplsuqlloqm
Commented on kathernur's review
I booked my flat in Phase 2 in November 2010 and sadly still waiting for the completed apartment. No committed response from the builder so far. The latest response got a few months ago (oral and nothing in writing) was that it will be ready for possession in January 2018 but as the work still conti Read More...
Rated on LoverThunderBird's review
Followed 24avtarayush12vat
Followed maheshsowani
Rated on maheshsowani's review
Followed hritikmishrahm , vijaysundar2421999 , Izazkhan786 , deepsharmaug89 , buttimanojkumar
Commented on jeeva72's review
Totally agree with you. Have been running behind them for more than 6 years now and their promises can be written on water. Totally messed up and unreliable builder.
Commented on jnitesh700's review
Hi, I would like to know the fate of your apartment as on date. I am sure you would not have got possession until now. Please post an update. Thanks.
Rated on jnitesh700's review
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