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Member Since:Dec 10, 2016
140 MS Points
About Me
Education: B.tech(information technology)
Food and Drinks: rajasthani food (daal bati churma)Books: not intrestedMovies: Romantic love stories
Food and Drinks: rajasthani food (daal bati churma)
Books: not intrested
Movies: Romantic love stories
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Bluetooth headphones
Reviewed Nokia BH-503 Wireless Bluetooth Headphones
I use nokia BH 503 from last four years and believe me its out standing bluetooth headphones as compare to other once . No comparison with others .it have allRead more...
Reviewed Tata Tiago
.* ITs a Trustable TATA product .* 5 seater family car with a huge milage and space with attractive interior, feelings like comfort zone with harman inRead more...
Tasty more than tasty food
Reviewed Amar Punjabi Pure Veg Restaurant - Talwandi - Kota
Amar punjabi dhaba is the more popular dhaba in kota rajasthan it has a fame like a icon .everybody knows about amar dhaba in kota or in rajasthan or in indiaRead more...
Sony SA-D100 4.1 Multimedia Speakers
Reviewed Sony SA-D100 4.1 Multimedia Speakers
Hiiii friends I am using this product from one month and believe me its sound quality is not comparable to other one no comparison with other one  it have a Read more...
Samsung Convection Microwave Oven CE1041DFB
Reviewed Samsung Convection Microwave Oven CE1041DFB
Hi buddies I bought Samsung ce1041dfb  28 liters,3000watts  slim  fry MWO last  week from best price( walmart) kota rajasthan.Salesperson told me the lot of Read more...
Earn daily live freely
Reviewed Socialtrade.Biz
Social trade is a iso certified company deals with the online promotions of websites it takes charges to the company to promote its websites and distribute thRead more...
Dont worry for internet it always in your pocket
Reviewed Reliance JioFi
Product name - Reliance JIOFI 3 -Speed test shows 4.7 mbps but actual download  internet speed is 192kbps standard -Single button connect wifi or wps -fineRead more...
Asus zenphone 2 (ZE551ML)
Reviewed Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML
Simply I explain this phone in one line asus zenfone 2(ZE551ML) project naming rule Rule: PF/Z+ segment+ panel size+ generation+cpu+radio Z-zenfone E-mainRead more...
A perfect cruiser on indian roads in budget ...
Reviewed Bajaj Avenger 220
Hiii buddies this review is my true experience about bajaj avenger 220 . I bought this bike in august 2014 and at that time I didnt know about this biRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
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