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Member Since:Oct 17, 2009
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Reviewed City Limouzines
Hello investor , two year back i had plan to take a car , jeep our tempo , that time my friend suggest me to invest money in city realcom and get good montly Read more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on city_member's review
sir v had waited long time to get some goodnews from his website ,but he had not done .FIR should make pressure on MHS GOVT and police to search him ,only that is reason but if he annouce the date of returning amount ,nobody will file case.
Rated on abdeekhumusi's review
Rated on divya.mathew83's review
Commented on Gandhi_sudhir9's review
I THINK ;phansare is masood person who had file case in supreme court ,in this busy world who will foolish person to run behind the court against co. which is giving good return and agreement is written if v need a car or not.try to wake up ,this is all masood big game & planned everything to multip Read More...
Rated on zulfiqar1971's review
Commented on khan2009.'s review
yes we cant believe on kallimulla khan , i also talk to him once ,i never feel him liked a strong person .
Rated on khan2009.'s review
Rated on Elector2014's review
Commented on Elector2014's review
masood is worst than terrorist ,who is killing people everyday ,every hours ,every mins and every second, he should opened office and start repaying total principle amount .rest all thing will settle automatically.
Rated on Arun68's review
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