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Member Since:Nov 18, 2002
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Review of the Day (1)
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Engineering excellence is the differentiator
Reviewed Toyota Innova
Ive done about 7 months and 7000 km so far in my diesel Innova. Here is some feedback that may be useful in your decision process. *Why the Innova: MyRead more...
How much power is enough?
Reviewed Petrol Vs. Diesel car
Updated Oct 07 to reflect the current cars in the market: Auto reviews frequently tell you that a car is ‘adequately’ powered and give you the horsepower or Read more...
Diesel alert--Euro-3 norms due in April 2005
Reviewed General Tips on Buying a Car
Note: This review was overwritten due to a possible MS bug. Ive recreated the original from memory in a truncated form. Essentially what I said in the Read more...
Reviewed Naukri.com
This review has been cancelled by the author since there is no delete facility . This review has been cancelled by the author since there is no &Read more...
Its what you want it to be
Reviewed Cafe Amethyst - Royapettah - Chennai
Amethyst is a Chennai coffee shop, boutique, and theatre of sorts. Its a spacious old colonial style house set in a large compound with an unkempt garden in JRead more...
Effective, but maintenance is a pain
Reviewed General Tips on an Electric Chimney
Ive been using a locally made electric chimney(thoughkitchen hood seems to be the international terminology) for about two years now and IRead more...
Reviewed Louis Philippe
This review has been cancelled by the author. This review has been cancelled by the author. This review has been cancelled by the author. This review has beenRead more...
A must read for contemporary India watchers
Reviewed Age of Kali, The - William Dalrymple
The Age of Kali, William Dalrymple, 1998. The Age of Kali is a collection of essays on the Indian sub-continent covering the 10 years in the 1990s that traveRead more...
Reviewed Peter England
This review has been cancelled by the author. This review has been cancelled by the author. This review has been cancelled by the author. This review has bRead more...
Splendid read but don't get carried away
Reviewed A Prison Diary - Jeffrey Archer
In July 2001, Jeffrey Archer was convicted in Britain for perjury and sentenced to a four-year prison term. His sentence started with a stint at a Category ARead more...
One rocker, three decent, one shocker
Reviewed Veteran,The - Frederick Forsyth
Im a Forsyth fan and have probably read all his novels and stories. So much for background. The Veteran is a collection of five short storiRead more...
Worthy car but fuel efficiency surprisingly low
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Esteem
Ive had an Esteem LX since Jan 2001 and its done about 30,000 km so far. No major post-purchase hassles except that the underside of the gear box crackeRead more...
Conked out in less than a year
Reviewed Sony Ericsson A2628s
Price: Cost me Rs 3100 in June 2002 and at that time, there werent any other cell phones at that price point with comparable features - I particularly lRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on shreeshp's review
I am fond of the M800 too but I must correct one factual error in your review. The M800 has a kerb weight of 698 kg and an engine horsepower of 37 bhp. This gives it a power-to-weight ratio of 53 bhp/tonne. In comparison, the power-to-weight ratios of Alto and Santro are 62 and 73 respectively. So t Read More...
Commented on own review
Mileage is about 10 km per liter of diesel in the city and about 12 km per liter on the highways.
Commented on princeanil's review
Excellent review, great mix of fact and personal insights. If you look at the four vehicles purely based on their performance metrics, the power-to-weight ratio measured in bhp/tonne for the Scorpio, Innova, Safari Dicor, and Tavera are 46, 63, 66, and 49 respectively. Which makes the Safari and Inn Read More...
Rated on princeanil's review
Commented on email2vipul's review
I wish you many happy kilometers on your Scorpio. But it is not the absolute power but the power-to-weight ratio that is important in vehicles. The Scorpio has a 115 bhp engine but that has to pull 2500 kg of vehicle weight resulting in a power-to-weight ratio of 46 bhp/tonne. In contrast, the Estee Read More...
Rated on nvk2005's review
Rated on sridharl's review
Oops. Baleno figure corrected. Toyota's India site says Camry has a power of 139 Hp and kerb weight of about 1440 kg. Hence the ratio of 96 Hp/Te.
Yup, the norms apply to new car registrations after Apr '05 and the resale value of any non-BS 3 car goes phut. Not a pleasant prospect! You're right, this ain't the time to buy a diesel.
Rated on anilbh's review
Commented on anilbh's review
Good review, lots of personal experience and details. My sympathies re your problems with the car. I had more or the less the same experience with a desi vs videshi brand. I admire the Tatas for making a decently priced Indian car but I'm afraid the fit, finish and quality are not comparable to the Read More...
Commented on nvk2005's review
Now that you've used the car for a while, can I request you to update us with your experience after 30,000 km in the Indigo.
Commented on sridharl's review
Good one. Would like an update after you've done 30,000 km in the Indigo.
Commented on vijayan_venkat's review
Like your approach. I'd love to hear about your experience after 30,000 km in the Indigo.
Great idea to update the experience at different stages. Auto engineers have told me that the Indica and Indigo are okay till about 30,000 km after which they start to deteriorate. Do update us on your experience when you reach that milestone.
Commented on alokshalini's review
I’ve observed it's more effective to email your CV directly to the advertiser than to use the ‘Apply Online’ option. Also, job consultants (as opposed to the actual employer) often get the job specs wrong, but Naukri can’t be blamed for that! But the site is definitely improv Read More...
Rated on alokshalini's review
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JaswantB415 (@JaswantB415MouthShut Verified Member)
Ashu Tosh Kumar (@ASHUkr2063MouthShut Verified Member)
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Pranchal Thakur (@pranchaldigital005MouthShut Verified Member)
Mahi Tonger (@mahitonger4MouthShut Verified Member)
Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prabhavathi Avirneni (@PrabhavathiAvirnenMouthShut Verified Member)
Gautam Deka (@dekagautam37MouthShut Verified Member)
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nagtibba trek (@nagtibbatrek9MouthShut Verified Member)
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Avi Sahani (@Tivit_BetMouthShut Verified Member)