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Member Since:May 29, 2007
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Satisfied Customer
Reviewed Mahindra Xylo 2012 D2
I purchased Xylo D2 in 2011. I must say I am a satisfied customer. I got it for about 8lac on road - great value for money. Have done 80k kms by now and engRead more...
Most sensible value-for-money choice
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800
I have used it since 2000 - its one of the first few MPFI models. While it has been the only car I have owned, I have driven several other cars. I do not consRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on vinseet2001's review
Please move this review to correct location ... you have posted it against XyloD2 whereas you are talking about E8
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Rated on genio's review
Rated on ynsingh69's review
Rated on debayans's review
Commented on vidyaidf32's review
This is obviously a fake review
Rated on skant's review
Rated on gjbarani's review
Commented on raghav2k's review
Good exhaustive article. Media and brokers do give a lot of hogwash, but MFs aren't necessarily bad - in fact if you chose well, you stand to gain substantially. Wherever the returns are higher, there are bound to be some risks - that doesn't mean you stay away from all IPOs. The above article would Read More...
Rated on raghav2k's review
Commented on thakurman's review
Good article. Don't agree/understand - why not SIPs ? An individual usually doesn't save in lumpsums ... s/he usually saves in smaller amounts. Those smaller amounts should be diverted to a SIP regularly - sooner you invest, higher your returns. Disclaimer - I haven't had a SIP myself though I plan Read More...
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