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Member Since:Sep 07, 2005
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Over heating and Battery drains. Dont waste money
Reviewed HTC One X
Heats up very quickly. Could not believe it!!! 108 degrees!!! HOT!!! Once it reached 111 degrees. Battery DRAINS like anything!!!! Dont buy please don&Read more...
Problem in ear-speaker
Reviewed BlackBerry Curve 8520
My Blackberry 8520 started giving problem in the speaker- the speaker from which we hear gave cracking sound. On hands-free mode it was working fine. I submitRead more...
Hard disk crashed in 35 days of purchase
Reviewed HP Pavilion DV2601TX
I am a user of laptops since last 8 years and have used many brands. The most successful was IBM. Recently, I bought HP 2601 (1GB RAM, 160GB Hard disk, 14" scRead more...
Problems in Nokia 6265 CDMA Reliance
Reviewed Nokia 6265
Please do not buy Nokia 6265 CDMA phone from Reliance. My handsets display light has switched off permanently and also the normal hearing from the handsRead more...
I use Ahmedabad Times as toilet paper
Reviewed The Times Of India
I agree whatever Mr Dalal has written about Ahmedabad Times. We need a good english news-paper in Ahmedabad. The photographs of semi-nude models-actresses is Read more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on prosantag's review
Rated on yogeshdedhia's review
Rated on scidambi's review
Commented on bathalaprathap's review
thanks. I was going to buy one. Now i will buy something else
Rated on bathalaprathap's review
Commented on own review
I finally got my Blackberry after repairs on the end of 3rd month. they however gave an old model Blackberry for the 30 days period.
Rated on hk20's review
Now, I have got my laptop back from HP service centre BUT to my surprise, I find that the performance for the graphics has reduced by 3 times. There is a performance check tool in the VISTA HOME PRemium which comes with the laptop where i checked when I had bought as a brand new piece and it showed Read More...
WoW! PrinceAnil. Thats a very useful bit of info. I will try my very best to take HP to court...Thanks
I do not know WHY it crashed! HP first said the hard-disk will be replaced in 2 days but then they said the spares are not available in India and will have to be imported which will take 10 to 15 days. I am totally stuck...all my important data has gone, Nothing to recover from the crashed hard-disk Read More...
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