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Member Since:Jul 03, 2009
35 MS Points
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AxisBank get Zero (0) on internet banking
Reviewed Axis Bank
How can a large professional bank have software live with bugs. Just cant log in their corporate banking on my laptop. Keeps saying invalid credentials.Read more...
Reviewed First Flight Couriers
My shipment containing a simple welcome kit is missing since last 2 weeks. Their tracking system do not show the item from day one and until now(18th Feb onwaRead more...
Beware of Halden Luxury / Belts Scam
Reviewed Haldenluxury
I want to share my experience with Halden Luxury, an online brand claiming to offer premium belts and leather accessories for men. Despite their luxurious braRead more...
Commented on sidducss's review
Make everyone aware of what they are. Blacklist them. Not only here. Most come here after the damage is done. By then they have got their money and the item also. They are crooks. We must fix them together.
Rated on sidducss's review
Commented on IhateFirstFlight's review
Completely agree with you. Make their life as painful as possible.
Rated on IhateFirstFlight's review
Commented on ujwal95's review
Start calling their head of customer care. Contact details are available on my post. Nothing will happen I guess. But why let them be at peace when they have stolen our peace of mind?
Rated on ujwal95's review
Commented on MANI456's review
Please share name of the online player. Let us BOYCOTT all online players using first flight just because they are cheap and making customers suffer big time.
Commented on LizaSpeaks's review
Very similar experience. Guys, lets take this beyond mouth shut and make it more public. Tolerating this is no different than supporting this crooks.
Rated on LizaSpeaks's review
Commented on Abcd_5's review
Wonder how they are still in business and how people are still using their service. We must make this experience available to bigger audience.
Rated on Abcd_5's review
Rated on bilalneelu's review
Commented on bilalneelu's review
Please correct the rating. It should be one star as per your experience.
Commented on gauravjha2289's review
Agree. This people must be taken to court and should be ashamed in social media so that they do take their customers for a ride like this. Cheap transporter trying to be in consumer service.
Rated on gauravjha2289's review
Commented on Mohanprasath89's review
Their customer service is completely unprofessional. I guess they are no better than roadside transport agencies. They must be taken out of courier business by law. They are seriously damaging many of us, individuals and businesses. All of us must come together to file a class suit against them.
Rated on Mohanprasath89's review
Commented on HsoehR's review
Completely agree. I am having similar experience and their head of Customer Service is no different. They must be taken to the court of law. Any other developed country they would be out of business.
Rated on HsoehR's review
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