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Member Since:Aug 20, 2021
150 MS Points
I am a good entertainer. Trying to happy always and I am true believer of universal power.
About Me
Education: Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Adminis
Food and Drinks: Shawarma and lemon JuiceBooks: Travel vlogsMovie Stars: Mohanlal, Manju WarriorMovies: MonaT.V. Shows: Top singerMusic: All melody songs
Food and Drinks: Shawarma and lemon Juice
Books: Travel vlogs
Movie Stars: Mohanlal, Manju Warrior
Movies: Mona
T.V. Shows: Top singer
Music: All melody songs
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Lulu Mall... Awesome
Reviewed LuLu Mall - Edappally - Kochi
Sometimes me and my husband going to LuLu Mall at Edappally. Not only for purchasing but also for entertainment. Its a wonderful place. LuLu Hyper mart Read more...
It's Just Superb
Reviewed Amulya Dairy Whitener
I used this product last few years. This is very easy to use. If a guest coming to our home then we can easy to make a tea using Amulya Dairy whitener. We canRead more...
Kozhimala - Wonderful Hill station
Reviewed Kozhimala
Kozhimala is also known as Kovilmala. It is small tribal village near Kattappana in the district of Idukki in Kerala state. It is existing tribal Kingdom in KRead more...
Queen of the Arabian sea - Kochi
Reviewed Kochi
Kochi is also known as Queen of the Arabian Sea. It is the fastest growing Indian city on the west coast and also the second largest city in Kerala. It is oneRead more...
Bird Sanctuary at Kumarakom ... Very Attractive
Reviewed Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary - Kottayam
Kumarokom is a beautiful village located in the Kottayam district of use Kerala. Bird sanctuary of Kumarakom is very famous. It is located on the shores of VeRead more...
Kumta .... Mind blowing
Reviewed Kumta
Kumta is a beautiful place in the Uttarakannada district in the state of Karnataka. Agriculture and Carpenting are major occupation in that place. Kumta has aRead more...
Yamaha Ray - My favourite Scooter
Reviewed Yamaha Ray
My father bought me a Yamaha Ray in 2013. Yamaha Ray is one of the wonderful scooters in Indian two wheeler market. My favourite scooter is Yamaha Ray . BecauRead more...
Britannia Good Day Biscuits- Not Yummy
Reviewed Britannia Good Day Biscuits
Yesterday evening my husband bought Good day biscuit Cashew cookies from a store nearby our house. Biscuits Net weight is 100g+ 20 g Extra= 120g. MRP is 20 ruRead more...
Coca Cola - Not Healthy
Reviewed Coca Cola
A few years later I bought and drank Coca Cola, the day before yesterday. Because , my husband and I went out and bought heavy food from a restaurant. My husbRead more...
My Experiments with Truth or Autobiogr- M K Gandh
Reviewed My Experiments with Truth - M K Gandhi
I first read Mahatma Gandhis autobiography in 2004. It was my friend Anuja made me read this book. 2004 when I first read this book, I could not clarly Read more...
Autobiography of A Yogi- Excellent Book
Reviewed Autobiography Of A Yogi - Paramhansa Yogananda
Paramahahamsa Yoganandas Autobiography of A Yogi is excellent spiritual book. This is one of the best spirital book I have ever read. As we read this boRead more...
Must Read - "The Secret"
Reviewed The Secret - Rhonda Byrne (Self Help Book)
In my opinion the book " The secret" is a must read for every one. Author of this excellent book is Rhonda Byrne. The Secret was published in 2006. It was 201Read more...
About Dhathri Hair Care Plus Herbal Oil
Reviewed Dhathri Hair Care Plus Hair Oil
The first thing I want to say is dont be fooled by advertisement. I bought Dhathri Hair Care Plus Herbal oil after seeing the advertisement. Because I hRead more...
Pureit Classic Water Purifier - Worthless Product
Reviewed Pureit Classic Water Purifier
I bought Pureit Classic Water Purifier in May 2016. It has never felt as safe as boiled water since I started to using it. Company says that Pureit Classic WaRead more...
Aloe Vera Gel - Patanjali
Reviewed Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel
I have been using Patanjali aloe vera gel for two months. Still in use. The first two weeks of using it, my skin did not change much. After two weeks, I see tRead more...
Wonderful Book "The Alchemist "
Reviewed The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelhos Alchemist is one of the books that has greatly influenced my mind. It was published in 1988. This book transalated to many languages. I reRead more...
Meesho " Earn & Purchase App"
Reviewed Meesho
Meesho is good shopping app. I have used it. I bought a Kurti and T- shirt from Meesho. The product I bought was not very good quality but it was fine. It alsRead more...
Reviewed Bijli Mahadev Temple - Kullu
Bijli Mahadev Temple is one of the temples in India that exposes the tradition, culture, glory and devotion to the world. This is place that is truly filled wRead more...
Reviewed Tips on Health Care in India
Drink 8 liter water daily. Eat honey daily in the morning. 3.Drink a glass of pumpkin juice daily an empty stomach in the morning. Eat vegetable soup. MixRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Thank you ma'am
Yes. Ma'am.you are right.
Yes . It is an excellent one
My favourite Scooter .
Commented on landmark1986831's review
Very true words
Rated on landmark1986831's review
Thank you Aadrita for your comment
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PawanAshar (@PawanAsharMouthShut Verified Member)
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