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West Bengal
Member Since:Apr 09, 2019
0 MS Points
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Laura Mercier Face Illuminator Powder Review
Reviewed Laura Mercier Face Illuminator Powder
Laura Mercier Face Illuminator Powder is not travel friendly since it will potentially shatter. It provides a sheer golden glow which is quite suitable for evRead more...
Patanjali Herbal Mehandi Review
Reviewed Patanjali Herbal Mehandi
Patanjali Herbal Mehandi can be used 4-5 times depending on the length of the hair. It costs around Rs.35/- for 100 gm. It has good availability. It also KeepRead more...
Kara MakeUp Removal Wipes Review
Reviewed Kara MakeUp Removal Wipes
Kara MakeUp Removal Wipes is made from Birla cellulose which is 100% natural and biodegradable and hence it is environment friendly. It costs around INR 60 foRead more...
Shivalik Goji Cream Tube Review
Reviewed Shivalik Goji Cream
Shivalik Goji Cream Tube helps in removing wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging. It costs around 1990 INR for 50 grams. It is also useful to reduce dRead more...
Nurament Cream Review
Reviewed Nurament Cream
Nurament Cream. It costs around 38 INR for 20 grams. It is Fast acting solution. It also acts as an effective Pain killer. It is overall suited for all skin tRead more...
Kaya Complexion Perfector Cream Review
Reviewed Kaya Complexion Perfector Cream
Kaya Complexion Perfector Cream is a skin coverage cream is an all in one foundation. It costs around 950 INR for 30 ml. Not only this, it also gives a perfecRead more...
Glamveda Glow D-Tan Cream Review
Reviewed Glamveda Glow D-Tan Cream
Glamveda Glow D-Tan Cream can be effectively used twice a week without experiencing any side effect. It costs around 300 INR for 50 grams. It not only RemovesRead more...
Glamveda Gold Radiance Facial Kit Review
Reviewed Glamveda Gold Radiance Facial Kit
Glamveda Gold Radiance Facial Kit helps in stimulating skin cells and improves blood circulation to the face. It costs around 1100 INR for 300 grams. It leadsRead more...
Vagad's Khadi Apricot & Honey Body Scrub Review
Reviewed Vagad's Khadi Apricot & Honey Body Scrub
Vagads Khadi Apricot & Honey Body Scrub aids in removing dead skin cells from the surface. It costs around 93 INR for 46 grams. It also helps to unclogsRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on asha83125's review
Commented on asha83125's review
Only 20 percent students got an internship. The lab and classroom are average when compared to other colleges. food is not so good.
Rated on balakrishnanmura50's review
Commented on balakrishnanmura50's review
No core companies have come to our college only IT companies that too very rare. Dissatisfied after joining this college. There is no Wi-Fi facility.
Commented on oyemukeshyadav's review
Their service is very very poor and any grievances will take about 7-10 days to be addressed.
Commented on Suraj_kumar971's review
The mobile phone charges quickly. The phone has enough battery power for a day. I am very satisfied!
Commented on worldofvee's review
it feels to be dandruff free. plus this shampoo suited me. my hairs are more soft .. first day they are bit frizzy next day very smooth
Worst service provider ever.. total frauds who take money from clients and never provide service.
Commented on Abhikumar1991's review
Beautiful cameras and dual speaker. quality is good, it has a net connecting problem, wifi working full speed.
Commented on ramantiwari0071's review
Cheating and fraud should be the name of 99acres.com, their managers, area managers, zonal managers, regional managers are all cheats they cheat you for money.
Commented on ankush1492's review
Very bad experience. I would have given 0 stars if I could. Worst experience. Please find some better alternatives rather than lybrate.
Commented on artonmediamail's review
very bad service provide by bank. passbook printing counter lady is non-educated. she is behaving very badly to the people. very slow service.
Commented on ANKIT_1sharma's review
it has the best mileage in Splendor. It has good looks. Very impressive bike. This bike is looking good and everything is so nice.
Below Average performance, wastage of money. Camera quality is better. We Boycott cheater China product. This review helps me lot to knowing about this mobile.
Commented on jewilson295's review
it really helped me in getting the decent points. I would say their content helped me to achieve 20-30 more points in the exam. Good news is that questions are real and effective.
Commented on ras2208's review
I would rate it zero if there was an option to do so. Worst experience ever. This is the worst app I have ever used.
Commented on jitendragod1978's review
Amisignals is best supporting software for me. It gives a very accurate buy signals and earn profit very easily.
Commented on generation7islive's review
Thanks for sharing valuable and helpful review. This review helps me lot to knowing about this WORST traveling website.
Commented on anonymous_stilton's review
this school has no art of living values. No discipline. Half of the time the principle is absent. Pathetic school. Fake professionalism .
Commented on vineethvalsalan's review
Always late delivery. Lot of projects are delayed more than 1.5 years. They won't provide compensation too. Their quality is also very poor.
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