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Member Since:Sep 03, 2013
0 MS Points
I am just a piece of filth which failed to do something… failed to end up in the trash can. Since my first failure, all I’ve been doing is failing, failing and failing. I am filled with pleasant euphoria when I try to recollect my last success. It was a grand one, at least compared to my present situation. My last success – when she flung me into the trash can, I overshot by an inch! I really enjoyed it – winning for once in a competition, one whose outcome, it had earlier seemed to me, was inevitable. Seems I was right, earlier, for now I know that it was just an ‘exception’. I should have known that the very moment I landed beside the tin ‘Use Me’ thing. For, now, coming from her lips, the same thing – that I was an exception and that I was never meant to win – pinches me and puts forth a question to my very existence and objective of life. I committed a sin, a massive blunder – I stuck around and began poking my nose into her personal matters, for I was determined to find out the flaw in me, the rationale behind flinging me so hard, with such brute force into the trash can, instead of just walking down to it and silently dropping me in. I worked so hard at it yet still remained in the dark, for this was not something I could guess. This exhausted my patience. So, I ultimately reached out to her and asked her directly. And all I got back was – “Sorry, but you’re an exception… You’re different!” So, now I’m getting back to the mainstream, to what I was forever destined to do – I’m going with the flow, wherever this cruel life of mine leads me – I am swirling down the drain.....
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Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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What helmet is that? Matches the bike color combination pretty well.
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