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Member Since:May 01, 2008
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The r15
Reviewed Yamaha R15
Though being a tru hardcore fan of the legendry rx100..i never really tought that yamaha would som day pull up its socks and give us sommin to really set the Read more...
The rx 100
Reviewed Yamaha RX100
This is Aditya from Hyderabad, , from the time I landed my drivers licence iv been bugging my father to buy me a karizma or a p220Â welll u know parents ...heRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
it is 21 ...verified 4m the dealer in gachi boli...perl yamaha hyderabad
dude its 21 as per ma knowledge n im pretty shure of it..though 4 u i would clarify ot again ...in ma next posting
all detales are comformed facts the bhp(official yamaha)...n the top speed too(but personally i need to get ma hands on the byk n test it out)
Commented on Scarface's review
dude i hav a rx n also a p180....p180 is more of a civilized byk...see one thing u gatta understand is that the way to conrol your rxs is diferent from the other heavier 4s bykes but once u get the hang o it ull know its one of the best controlled bykes around...in terms of performance both the byks Read More...
Commented on wizkidrx's review
dude the rxz..is no cpomparision to the rd...but trust me the rx's can beat the crap outta ne indian 4s byke.....comming to handelling ppl here say that these byks donot hqave ne handelling.....guys who say this try chasing down an rx with ur zamax in trafic ull know wat handelling is....and yes thi Read More...
dude it is 45......officially its someware around 50....n about the comparision...sorry to tell u but iv seen no other todays 4 strokers match up to my old rx...leave alon the r15...thats y i had to compare wd the nxt best...i.e...r15 to the rx/rd series
Commented on devdon's review
dude...trust me i own an rx.....is can beat ne byk that is on indian roads today(the fi though could pose somewat of a problem..but the zamas n others r a piece of cake)....by the way could u tell me how can i mod my byk without it leading to pemanient damage...what r the modiications i can do to ge Read More...
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