Though being a tru hardcore fan of the legendry rx100..i never really tought that yamaha would som day pull up its socks and give us sommin to really set the road on fire.
iv had the plesure of setting ma hands on one of the first r15s in the country....luckey me it had its bigger brother brother th R1 just beside it...the resembellence is striking....the both actully have the same exact inter changable foot rests..(lol)..the hedlights n the faring r a little diferent but undoubtly the r15 is one mini R1..the head lights OMG they r just georgious nothin lik iv ever seen on the indian roads....
tecnio spe----
its a 150 cc liquid cooled engen producing 21bhp(closect is the p220 I guss someware lik 19bhp I guss) undubtedly the most powerful...has a six speed gear box....the say som sorta delta box rame(no idea wat it means but did look damn cool though)...monoshok...doubl disk......
well here comes the best part......the top speed is a awsome 150kmph(149.6)
it supposdly reaches the top speed lik in under 12.3 secs....the rest lik the p220 n zama take close to 30 secs to reach the high undoubtly blisteringly fast........
the byk looks damn cool wd fully packed sporty look thanks to the raditor
undoubtly the fastest n the quickest byke on indian roads
reminds me o the stories ma brother used to tell me abt the tim he bout the RX ...ow it was leagus ahead of the other byks in the market at that time...(damn...its better than ne other byk now.....(well cant help mentoning ma byk
the pinch...1.1l on road ....concdring the fact that u gatta spend sommin lik 96k to reach 124kmph(p220)...i don mind the extra 15g for a pure bread rasing machine
the byke symply put is awsome.....will creat a new cult lik the rxs did a few decades ago...
*the things I dont lik....
* 6.2 ft tall...the byk looks damn short 4 me ...but still I managed to hav quite a comfortable n snug finin......
the flaring is a little too wide 4 my liking....but georgious non the less
the rear weel is too bloody small...the delear assures me that it being a tubless zapper is more than capable of handelling sharp bends
the byk on the whole is made 4 made yamaha fans n speed demons lik me...hehehe...
ond o ya I forget....the sound...way better than ne o the bykes in the market now....but none the less cannot beat the sound of the original 2t rx twins....hehehe
milage the deler says eazily 45