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Member Since:Jan 18, 2016
352 MS Points
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Reviewed Triumph Daytona
Triumph produces really great bikes in the sports segment and daytona is one of its asset.This bike contains a 600 cc engine with great smoothness in its perfRead more...
Reviewed Lenovo G50-80 Notebook
This laptop really has some great features in it.The version I bought had 4 gb of ram 1 tb of hard disk 2 gb amd radeon gpu and a 15.6 inch hd lcd screen. ThRead more...
Reviewed Bajaj Avenger Street 220
This bike bajaj avenger street 220 is far more better than the older version of the same. this bike has greater looks better performance and a smooth and refRead more...
A GREAT BLEND OF19's and 20's.
Reviewed Royal Enfield Continental GT Cafe Racer
Royal Enfield is one of the most renowned automotive companies of India.It is famous for its BULLET which is still one of the most selling bikes here.But now Read more...
Reviewed KTM Duke 200
KTM is not a company that most of the people here must have heard of earlier but after the launch of the ktm duke, now every teenager have a dream of riding iRead more...
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220
Bajaj is definately one of the oldest bike company in india and everybody knows that what quality low end bikes we get from them.Pulsar 220 is one of the greaRead more...
Reviewed Yamaha FZ16
As we all know that yamaha is one of the leading producer of bikes all over the world.Yamaha is specialy known for its high end sport bikes but finally it hasRead more...
Reviewed TVS Apache RTR 160
TVS APACHE RTR 160 is one of the most selling and most popular bike in india.this bike has a 160cc engine which is quite smooth. This bike has great looks spRead more...
A Great Deal.
Reviewed Royal Enfield Bullet 350 Twinspark
Royal Enfield as every one knows is enough to say about durability and power.This bike is realy great andits handling is so buttery smooth tat after driving tRead more...
A bike of balance.
Reviewed TVS Star City
TVS has done a great job manufacturing this bike.It is a bike made for people who need to drive alot inside city limits.It has a great milage which really comRead more...
A daily commuter.
Reviewed Yamaha R15 2.0
EllYamaha have done a really great work in designing this sleak bike.YamahaYZF R15 is a bike which is very light weight beautyful in handling and a very sportRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on manusrini12359's review
Commented on manusrini12359's review
good work bro keep up for it
Commented on manojkandwal21's review
nice review and great bike for teens
Rated on manojkandwal21's review
Rated on caakash66's review
Commented on caakash66's review
much better bike than the older version
Rated on bharatkunwar632's review
Commented on bharatkunwar632's review
this is a nyc bike and comfortable too
Rated on literatureguide's review
Commented on literatureguide's review
thanx for this review and gud detailing
Rated on sannorai1982's review
Commented on sannorai1982's review
not good man dont go fake at all
Commented on mahesh2217's review
like this bike for riding and cruising
Rated on mahesh2217's review
Commented on Reviewer2016's review
kindda good but not enough write some more man
Rated on Reviewer2016's review
Rated on ishwar2331995's review
Commented on ishwar2331995's review
nyc said man keep up the good work
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Ravi Prakash (@ravisw82MouthShut Verified Member)
Hemasagar Menti Pspk (@rambaimenti123MouthShut Verified Member)
Kaviraja Addangadi (@KAVIRAJAMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 9