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Member Since:Jul 23, 2016
320 MS Points
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Amazing Movie
Reviewed Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange is the latest movie released by Marvel Studios. It is an amazing film. It was the most awaited movie. The lead role of the film Benadict CumberRead more...
Good phone
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus
He lenovo Vibe K5 is the smartphone that is completely different from the Lenovo K4 note. It is not the advanced version of the K4 note but it is a completelyRead more...
Not at all good
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Core Prime
Samsung Galaxy Core prime is a phone that was taken out by Samsung after Samsung Galaxy Core 2. The phone works okay in the starting few days but gradually itRead more...
Reviewed Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad is an amazing movie that all of you must watch. The plot of the story is very good and the actors have performed their role very well. Jared LeRead more...
An Amazing Smartphone
Reviewed Google Nexus 6P
The Google Nexus 6P is the latest phone that was brought in the Nexus series by Google. This time the Nexus 6P was created by Huawei. It is a marvellous phonRead more...
Not satisfied
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
The Idea network is owned by Aditya Birla Group and is one of the largest Mobile Operators in Delhi. Many people around us use Idea services but there are manRead more...
The Beast of Consoles
Reviewed Sony Playstation 4
The Sony Playstation 4 is the next generation console that was launched by Sony. It is truly the next generation in the world of gaming. The graphics of the Read more...
The worst ISP ever
Reviewed MTNL Broadband
MTNL is one of the most known ISPs in Delhi it provides telephone connections and internet servicesand it has been providing them for years. But the truth isRead more...
A very powerful phone
Reviewed Apple iPhone SE
The Apple Iphone SE is the newest phone that was launched by Apple. It is in a bady of iphone 5s but has the features of iphone 6. It comes with i.o.s versionRead more...
The best ever phone till now
Reviewed Apple iPhone 6S
Apple Iphone 6s is the best phone till now. It is very attractive, powerfull, colourfull and has the best features. It has a 4.7 inch screen that is of a 4K Read more...
Not at all satisfied
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
Vodafone is one of the three main mobile operators in India, namely Idea, Airtel and the third one is Vodafone. It was the best network 1 or 2 years before bRead more...
Beast of phones
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
The Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is the new phone that was launched by Samsung recently in addition to the S series. It is an amazing phone with a lot of features. Read more...
The best phone in its range...
Reviewed Motorola Moto G4 Plus
Moto G4 plus is the latest phone that was brought into the market by Motorolla. It is is an amazing phone with amazing features and battery life. It comes witRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Shamil013 (@Shamil013MouthShut Verified Member)
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