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Member Since:May 07, 2003
2 MS Points
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Education: MSc.,
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My experience with SX4
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki SX4
Hi, After driving SX4(ZXI) for 1.3yr, I am sharing my experience Purchase Dt: Sep 08; No of services done: 3; KM Run: 15000 km(3500Â highway, 11500 city) ThRead more...
Woodland shoes are of bad quality
Reviewed Woodland
Below mentioned views is based on my experience.  I purchased 2 pairs of foot ware from woodland show room at commercial street Bangalore in june 08,  I useRead more...
Unicorn after 30 months
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Hi Bikers, I purchased 2 Honda Unicorns one for my brother and other for self. 1 Black-Kick Start in the month of March 2005. (Has run around 12000 KM as oRead more...
Ok For People with Family
Reviewed Honda Activa
Model: Nov 2003 Place: Bangalore Purchased From: CITI Honda (St Marks Road) Sales Man Conduct: Good Sales Man Technical Knowledge: Satisfactory No of SerRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on rkkumr1988's review
Is this mobile available in indian microsoft store?
Commented on deepikatiwari33's review
Same response I had with them 5 years back, they will not improve, this was one of the reason i opted out of honda, glad I pickup sx4, any which way IDV of sx4 and higher than city as on today.
Commented on ramsomidi's review
You said 160 mm ground clearance, and said u will feel comfortable on rough and tough road, not sure how nissan had managed it, On a rough road with car fully loaded with 160 mm u r bound to scratch the under body if you are not slow, Honda city has this as a major negative point. And if you careful Read More...
Rated on ramsomidi's review
Rated on manjunathgs1's review
Commented on manjunathgs1's review
This is not a place for advertisments, please consider removing this write up. Very sad to see the platform been misused.
Rated on caneye's review
Commented on caneye's review
Sorry to say your review is not measurable. it is more an emotional out come. Honda technology is sure to be one of the best, but the people who service it are not. Please do not have to much expectation from the honda service and after sales. It would be of great pain to see dissatification Read More...
Rated on badri143's review
Commented on badri143's review
Sorry to say, It is not a review, Please write your review on this else consider removing this review
Rated on amitvad's review
Commented on amitvad's review
Hi Amit, I can understand your are dissappointment. As you have mentioned that there is a some taping and rattling even in the other test drive car, Which should not have been there in first place. I am hoping you would have test drivn the demo car before making such huge investment; get so Read More...
Commented on khan_shameem's review
Hi, This is the most common challenge with this car. Many reviews here talk about it. Once such link is ''http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Maruti-Suzuki-SX4-lsmqrsoltm-1.html'' I guess, u missed reading them. Regards Sathya
Commented on kaushikady's review
Hi, Mileage figures 14/15 per liter in city condition is what your getting with a normal fuel or power/speed fuel? If I could know which city you drive you car. Hope these mileage figures are not the one your car shows based on driving condition on the dash board. Regards Sathya
Commented on own review
Hi Arnold/Sanzoo, Arnold Clarification: I have not noticed any deviation on ODO meter, though i read it some were, never got an chance to check, think that should be fine. Will comment when I get a chance. Sanzoo Clarification: I take your point that one should not compare santro and sx4:-), I did Read More...
Thank you for commenting Joseph, Agreed most of it might be covered by 100+ reviews. I have shared my experience after using my car for 1.3 years. Could not write more due to size limit on the site. So had to slice out more than 30% of it. Just to give an example, I said car is good for people 5.5 t Read More...
Rated on jodhpurpark's review
Commented on jodhpurpark's review
Hi, There is no information or analysis about the product, just a broadcast of you buying a CAR. Please consider sharing your view and review on the product. Regards Sathya
Commented on dheeraj_rit's review
Thank you Dheeraj, Your guess is right, I am driving in bangalore. Thanks for updating on the fuel type, if I could request you to just add a liner about this in your main review as that will be read most, any kind of power fuel will give an appreciable pickup in any RPM there by gives you satif Read More...
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Vishal Bhat (@bhatvishal100MouthShut Verified Member)
JaswantB415 (@JaswantB415MouthShut Verified Member)
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