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Member Since:Sep 05, 2005
0 MS Points
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Beware of the Fashion&You SCAMMERS & SPAMMERS!!
Reviewed FashionAndYou
Firstly just to see  how crappy and horrible this website is - look at ALL the posts on mouthshut.com which praise F&Y - they are all from people who have joiRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
Hilarious! Now F&Y is getting desperate! :) They are creating fake ids to call others a fake. Look at this kajal rajput: http://www.mouthshut.com/kajalrajput70/timeline I am ready to give my phone number to anyone who thinks I am a fake :) Arun
Followed durgavijay
Rated on shaziav's review
Commented on shaziav's review
Classic PR: 1. This user joined just a week before. Has only 1 post. That is this one. 2. Pepper the positives with some seemingly flip sides so it doesn't look very PRish 3. Spelling mistakes etc so that people tend to think its a real user. Guys join here: http://www.facebook.com/Fashi Read More...
Great there is now a FB page to vent it out: http://www.facebook.com/Fashionandyoucomplaintpage
Commented on fash_1's review
Firstly congratulations - you were able to wrangle something out of your mouthshut comment. I am still waiting for them to take me off their SPAM list :) Read here: http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Fashionandyou-com-qotqltrpmn Also I think AmitKulkarni is a carefully cultivated id by the PR guys Read More...
Since we are on the topic - an the PR guys monitoring this please atleast send me the link to deactivate? I have already filled a webform on your site + I have sent an email to support@fashionandyou.com almost 3 days ago. Still no response. Thoda toh sharam karo :)
Here is something else I stumbled upon: http://www.weekendramblings.com/2011/04/how-authentic-is-fashion-and-you-as.html
Someone posted this very, very interesting link about fashionandyou.com on my facebook profile after I had reported them. Very good read: http://itwofs.com/beastoftraal/2011/05/04/fashion-and-you-pearl-uppal-adtech-roi/
This is hilarious - look at this MSCD: http://www.mouthshut.com/mscd/timeline created profile 4 hours before and guess the 1st, and perhaps only post? :))
Mr.Amit Kulkarni - I am not a fake like the F&Y folks. I exist in flesh and blood. Regarding why i did not post in last 6 year - precisely the point. Here is what I wrote on my facebook profile: ’’I have never done this before - it had to be done! A mouthshut review on the perhaps the most Read More...
Look at this to see their PR campaign. Everyone of the users who gave them a 4-5 star joined a day before, gave the comments and then shut up! :) http://www.mouthshut.com/sopatel/timeline http://www.mouthshut.com/tanviora/timeline http://www.mouthshut.com/NareinSush/timeline
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