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Member Since:Jun 13, 2017
1900 MS Points
Iam a medical student and an active online purchaser.
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Healthy Family planning tips.
Reviewed Tips on Birth Control Pills
Birth control pills are one among the most widely used contraceptive method. It is mostly used as a spacing method by the couples. I will briefly mention howRead more...
Quality Not worth the price
Reviewed John Miller
I had recently bought a john miller shirt. Since john miller was a brand shirt, I didnt mind the high cost and purchased the shirt for Rs1500. At the tiRead more...
Nutritive as well as safety food for better healt
Reviewed General Tips on Food
As we all know, food/nutrition is the most important/vital factor for mantaining the health of an human being. So consuming adequate and balanced diet is veryRead more...
Saftey precautions to be taken
Reviewed Tips on Treating Hypotension
Hypotension though not as common as hypertension, but is a more dreadlier condition than hypertension. Severe hypotension or fall in Blood pressure can lead tRead more...
A life saver for mobiles during trips/long travel
Reviewed Tips on Power Bank
A powerbank is a portable charger for the mobile devices. In the last one or two years, powerbank has become very much famous, and more and more people are usRead more...
DONATE BLOOD....Save life
Reviewed General Tips on Blood Donation
Blood donation is one of the best public service a man could do. Blood donation camps are being widely carried out. There must be precautions to be taken befoRead more...
Obesity an issue for many
Reviewed Tips on Obesity
The incidence of obesity is increasing every year and more and more people are overweight. The obese individuals are at a high risk for development of cardiovRead more...
Eye....Tips for care
Reviewed Tips on Eye Care
As we all know eye is a vital organ for all. We only come to know its importance only we have lost one. Due to our day to day activities we are doing harm to Read more...
Be careful
Reviewed General Tips on Online Frauds
Today I will give few tips on awareness about online fraud sites and how to make sure we dont get cheated. 1) First of all only purchase from trusted oRead more...
Help in pimple-free face.
Reviewed Tips On Getting Rid Of Pimples
Pimples are a big issue in present days. Pimples are actually small swellings on skin which is filled with bacteria and puss. It is usually due to excess secrRead more...
Earphone...An easy guide to chose one
Reviewed Tips for Buying Earphones
Hello everyone. Today I will mention few tips for buying earphones either online or locally. Almost everyone of us would like to have atleast one set of earphRead more...
Important tips for successful online purchase.
Reviewed General Tips on Online Shopping
Hello guys. Today I will give few tips about doing purchaces online and what all should we be aware of during online shopping. I started doing online shoppingRead more...
Reviewed Mahindra Gusto 125
I have using mahindra gusto for around past 7 months. I live in college and use it mostly for short distance travel from my hostel to the college. From my ridRead more...
Kodai....A scenic beauty
Reviewed Kodaikanal
I went to kodaikanal around 6 months back with my friends. We were 6 in number and visited in the month of may. We went in bus, first from my place ( kerala) Read more...
Best game for timepass
Reviewed Ludo King
Ludo king is one of the best game for timepass purpose. Recently I simply downloaded the app and started playing with few of my friends in college and now mosRead more...
Pathetic customer support
Reviewed Myntra
I ordered a set of curtains from myntra one months back ( october 12) since I was planning to give it as a gift for the housewarmimg of my friend. The curtainRead more...
Highly recommended
Reviewed OnePlus 5 64GB
Oneplus 5 is the latest flagship phone from oneplus and comes with a 5.5 inch full hd display, upto 8 gb ram and dual back camera camera setup. Oneplus 5 is oRead more...
Spend a lot of time....... Earn very slowly
Reviewed Slidejoy
Slidejoy is basically a lockscreen app which claims that we can make money from it. Today I want to share my experience with slidejoy app and how they provideRead more...
Several issues recently......
Reviewed Xender
Xender is a widely used application for transfer of videos, photos, documents etc. from one mobile to another. I had been using it regularly till few months bRead more...
Slow and cumbersome.....
Reviewed Oxigen Wallet
I once used oxigen wallet for few months, but after about 3 months of usage I stopped using the app. I had experienced many issues while using the wallet. 1)Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
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