As we all know eye is a vital organ for all. We only come to know its importance only we have lost one. Due to our day to day activities we are doing harm to the eye. So I would like to share few tips on eye care.
1) First of all, we should never rub our eyes unnecessarily. There are a lot of people who have habbit of rubbing eyes. It can lead to infections and abrasion of the corneal layer.
2) We should also take care while working with pointed objects and should never throw them at someone even for fun purpose. Once an injury has been caused to cornea it may lead to scarring/opacification of the corneal layer of eye.
3) We should also protect the eyes from sunlight/UV rays. Its better not to look directly into sunlight. Wearing sunglasses can be helpful.
4) Spending overtime with computers/TV/Mobiles can do harm to the eye. On lomg term it may cause eyestrain, blurry vision, dry eyes, headache etc.
Its better spending some time free in between hours of computer/TV/Mobile usage.
Adjust the screen so that eye are at the level of top of moniter. This helps to look slightly down and not directly at screen.
5) Another important matter to consider is nutrition. Nutrients especially vit A is very essential for eye care.
6) It is best to have eyes examined by a doctor atleast once yearly for those who are diabetic or hypertensive or above 65 years age.
7) Whenever there is any issue with the eye, never cause any delay in tratment. Always approach a doctor for any issue.