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Member Since:Dec 01, 2013
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Reviewed 100bestbuy
I am sharing my experiences I had with 100BESTBUY. I received a telephone call from 100bestbuy in first week of November offering me some watch for Rs 818.00.Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on vicky_2008dev's review
they r bloody cheats. dont know how they r managing it. can we collectively take legal action aganist them. i am ready for it. let us make it possible and throw these cheats away.
Rated on vicky_2008dev's review
100best buy are bloody cheats.dont trust them.
Commented on own review
100best buy dosent respond. it is disgusting. but cant help . this is how it goes on in india
no response from 100bestbuy as yet. i am proved right. simply cheats
Mr. Pete, this is wht 100bestbuy is telling me for 20 days now. the unfortunate part is that the login finformation is not received. this was again conveyed to them so many times. latest from 100bestbuy was that they have forwarded issue to some agency for picking watch from my home and process my Read More...
rubbish, 100bestbuy is simply playing tricks. they do not intend to refund nor activate my account.just the casual attitude.
Commented on vinodh717689's review
exactly the same mode of cheating. they r not allowing me t log in my account to redeem my points.
The same drama by 100bestbuy that they have send the password to my email, they have send me sms etc. i have been telling them for the last 20 days now that i didnt receive any password reset email from u. still the same story. they are just frauds.beware of them.
i called 100bestbuy again today on 04.12.2013 but as usual the same answer. we r doing it, SMS will reach in a minute, check spam in email and all that. y dont u tell me that u dont want to refund me. it is simple. i know u r cheats but let u accpet that .ok and how many times i have to approach u Read More...
100bestbuy is just cheating. i have telephoned u(100bestbuy) at least 10 times and told u that the solution offered has not worked.again and again u r offering the same thing.i requested u to simply refund the amount i paid. cant understand that.
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