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Member Since:Jul 13, 2016
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Good car
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Xeta
Overall indica v2 is good car for people belonging to middle class. it easily affordable.worth the price. long durabilty.petrol or disiel both are best. muRead more...
Reviewed Parle Hide and Seek Biscuits
Hide and seek is one of my favourite biscuits. it is not very sweet though it is very chocolaty. the choco chips in it make it different from other chocolatRead more...
Learn fighting only
Reviewed IEC College Of Engineering And Technology - Greater Noida
This college is through uttar pradesh technical exams and it is just known for the fighting. my college galgotia was near by only it and there was big fight Read more...
Good for destressing
Reviewed Four Fountains De-stress Spa - Aurobindo Marg - Delhi
This is good spa.i have been thrice there in kolkata branch. staff behaviour is very good.services provided are also very goood.products used are also good. Read more...
Very costly
Reviewed Dr Batra's Clinic - Salt Lake - Kolkata
This is something I would never recommend. if you are having extra money which is not at all adjusting in your bank account then only you can go for it. monRead more...
Paisa lutao clinic
Reviewed B Perfect - Salt Lake - Kolkata
Worth price
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Spark 3
Micromax canvas is value for price.the product is having very nice features. clarity is quite good.camera quality is also good. it good phone for video chatRead more...
Very expensive
Reviewed Columbia Asia Hospitals
Columbia asia hospital is very expensive.its seems doctor and other staff they are just working for money instead of helping needy people. it has long procedRead more...
Its fraud
Reviewed Ebazar.Ninja
Ebazar is a fraud company.never ever heard of it before. dont know when it has came in market even. the products company having is also not good. company iRead more...
Very bad smell
Reviewed Himalaya Herbals Anti-Hair Fall Hair Oil
Himalaya is very good and trustworthy brand.but the oil is not at all good for me. it didnt suits me.my hairfall has increased.odour of the oil is not at allRead more...
Its good
Reviewed Himalaya Fairness Kesar Face Wash
Himalaya face wash I am using first time.its good. worth value for price.fragnance is very good.it clears face gently and even gentle to eyes also. daily usRead more...
Reviewed Matrix Mobile Operator
Matrix network is the worst network. it is very costly network ever.though coverage is good but the sim charges are very high. I hv used for penang. it has Read more...
Best credit card
Reviewed Citibank Visa Credit Card
I have been using it for fast 6 month. I am really satisfied with its service and charges.Its all charges and clear and straight forward.At starting only it hRead more...
Customer service is not satisfactory
Reviewed ICICI Bank MasterCard Credit Card
I had credit card of icici bank with limit 45 k. I has to block this card because of some reason. Then icici sent me two credit card with limit 45 k each.But Read more...
Bloody movie
Reviewed Raman Raghav 2.0
This movie is worst movie ever.full of blood murder only. people cannot watch this movie with family members especially kids.it will b wrong impact on childsRead more...
Reviewed Samsung Dishwasher DW-FN320T
This is very good dish washer.it is helping allwifes like anything. easy to use.customer satisfaction is dere as it is very user friendly. but there is onlyRead more...
First time heard
Reviewed Suresh Construction Private Limited - Kolkata
This is the first tym I have heards about suresh construction in kolkata.not much idea about company how it works. not even heard about any constructions of Read more...
Its ok type
Reviewed Swabhumi Construction And Developers - Kolkata
It is one of the oldest construction company in kolkata. work done in kolkata by swabhumi is good.there are many fraud case also heard about it but who know Read more...
Icici credit card not worth services
Reviewed ICICI Bank Visa Credit Card
Services provided by bank is not gud everytime if its little delay in doing payment dey reach our home. credit limit is also not very gud.interest rate on cRead more...
Lyf sucks life
Reviewed LYF Flame 4
It sucks.full on hang.its very difficult to type messages n chat as screen alwaz hangs. camera quality is also very bad. signal strength is also not very guRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Ravi_Kapudia (@Ravi_KapudiaMouthShut Verified Member)
Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
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Shriya rastogi (@shriyajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
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