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Member Since:Aug 09, 2017
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Waste of money don't buy
Reviewed Summit 5 L Pressure Cooker
Hi guys iam want to tell my experience about this product it is not good to use so plzzzz dont buy this kind of product it is waste if money so not too Read more...
Not bad
Reviewed Superfine Platinum 3 L Pressure Cooker
Iam want to tell my experience abt this product . There is a leakage. the lid is not fitting properly and even too tight to close properly. this is no use toRead more...
Not to buy
Reviewed Hawkins Futura Pressure Cooker
Iam talling my experience about this pressure cooker it is waste of money so not buy this kind of product after few day it starts lekegin sry to say one I my Read more...
Not good
Reviewed Micromax Dual 5
I as buyed this phone last year bot it is not good phone and also it is not good to use I also hangs so much battery life is to low and is bad dont buy Read more...
Reviewed Micromax X249
I as buyed this micromax mobile last year to my grandmother after few days it started problem camera is also not good and also the storge is also not good if Read more...
Inalsa cosmo mixer grinder
Reviewed Inalsa Cosmo Mixer Grinder IFB
Iam talling my experience abt this product it is good product to use for students it is good easy to use I as buyed this product lest year to gift my friend Read more...
Reviewed Whirlpool 20 LTR Magicook Elite-S Convection Microwave Oven
Iam talling my experiences abt this product whirlpool 20 ltr magicook it is good product but we can buys it is kow space we can only low items like small prodRead more...
White Westinghouse
Reviewed White Westinghouse 32 Ltr WMT532 Convection Microwave Oven
Iam talling abt my experience about white Westinghouse 32 ltr. it is good but easy to use and clean Product is good.clean and neat design.doesnt occupy much Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
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