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Member Since:Jun 10, 2011
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Great shampoo: Worth every penny!!
Reviewed Ketomac Dandruff Shampoo
I was very much upset with dandruff till I tried Ketomac shampoo. It really works. It contains something that kills the yeast residing on scalp. Really afterRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on madhavapmr's review
dude.. are u stupid.. .there are more pulsar 135 selling then any other pulsar variant in India.. . and this bike is perfectly fine.. no problems.. .i guess ur model is not fine having problems.. ..and gear shifting problem u told is baseless, . .i dnt knw d reason.. .:-P but becoz of REVIEWS like Read More...
Followed Varzeon
Commented on hap14091982's review
hey mr , writer.. ur bike is defective.. since all of us here who own it are not having problems with the ride..
Commented on oracle_1991's review
@oracle_1991 the pillion seat is a bit uncomfortable for elder people,because the seat height is much.... but not for young oness especially if u have any gf.!! and also the seat height of p135 is greater then pulsar 150.. so it would be better if u have a test drive before buying it... and Read More...
dude i would suggest you to go with pulsar 135 ls.. i own one.. and it gives me mileage of 64 kilometer per litre when driven at low speeds.. i have heard a lot of complaints of stunner users.. like it has a chain case problem, and stunner vibrates a lot at speed more than 60 kmph.... go wi Read More...
Commented on rocketraaja's review
dude first learn ENGLISH and then write the review..!!
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