I was very much upset with dandruff till I tried Ketomac shampoo. It really works. It contains something that kills the yeast residing on scalp.
Really after 3-5 washes you may get rid of your years old dandruff problem. The smell is also amazing. After 3 washes you will get the desired results.
If u have medium to severe dandruff, dont expect it to clean your scalp in the first wash. Its a good product and plus it contains some conditioner too. If u use it regularly then you must use a conditioner also otherwise you would end up having dry hair.
But who cares as far as you can get rid of the dandruff problem.
It cured my 8 year old scalp fungal infection i, e scalp foliculitis(boils and reddish acne on scalp) I had and it has completely cured it despite I wasted thousands of rupees on doctors and medicines.It contains a KETOCONAZOLE which kills the infection and cured my scalp acnes from which I had been suffering since last 8 years due to which I had lot of hairfall.
Its really amazing when I stopped taking any antibiotics or applying any ornaments or anything I just randomly went to a chemist to buy medicated dandruff shampoo for my sister who complained for dandruff and I also started using just out of curiosity.
Earlier I didnt realize that it has finally cured me but after some days I was sure that it hit the BULLS EYE.!
I wonder I spent thousands of rupees for cure but all in vain but this shampoo worth 150/- cured me.!
I thank God !
I am completely satisfied and very very happy. ITS A BLESSING FOR ME. I thank GOD.!:)
Wonderful Shampoo. . I LOVE it.
its worth a try guys. Really a nice product.