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Member Since:Dec 24, 2008
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Hybrid of Fz and R15
Reviewed Yamaha Fazer
I was trying to search a review which will give some information regarding the performance and other relevant things but it was a bit earlier then I thought wRead more...
A brief on FZ 16
Reviewed Yamaha FZ16
I have been to yamaha showroom with all my concerns and problems that have been coming from FZ owners .I will quote the problems and solutions for the same thRead more...
Use your own mind
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 200
Being a pulsar fan from start I have owned all the models of Pulsar (except 220cc) .Comparimg with the old pulsar with round headlight all the 150cc are worthRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Hari7's review
My friend when your are giving a review on some bike please give complete review on the one you are driving or have owned . Here you have distracted from cbz extreme to unicorn , yezdi and then bullet . Please provide pro,s and cons and the main experience you are having with your current bike which Read More...
Commented on own review
@ amit ...Can you provide me the link or details in mouth shut where the same information on fazer 2009 is repeated again and again....if u have something new the i would be happy to hear....
Dude if your budget is 80k + then go for Zma rather than this..... Zma also gives the same mileage and if pick up comes than Zma goes far beyond .
Commented on gipt0003's review
dude u should take some classes before posting any reveiew here, A totaly waste and insensible crap .
@ trouble shoot no other option dude if ur battery gets drained and no garage is around. batteries can be checked at their respective sites and a warranty card can help out for replacement.
Commented on muthu_swamy's review
first of all muthu need some grammar tutuion , secondly a person cant comment properly if he doesnt owned the bike himself.muthu - pulsar is a bike in its own kind and i beleive hunk is not bad too .
Rated on fenil_seta's review
Onroad price for Fz-16 in mumbai is Rs75k so it may be somewhere around 73k in delhi and for new FZ-s series u need to pay 2k more.
Rated on dcmaxim's review
hasan bro will ad up to more details in future.
Commented on abhi_singh80's review
Hi Abhishek, I guess your batteru have been drained out and if i myself have start the push start technique and believe me it have worked just afeter a few steps pushing the bike. Secondly u need to adjust your engine to a hugher rate so that it wont get down in traffic.Do regukar check up for your Read More...
Commented on amit_tri1995's review
dude i have asking this question to almost all the dealer but they have not disclosed anything regarding colours, May be this is a rumour.
Mileage depends on the way you drive ,if for the first three services your are between 40-50 km u may get 45-50 km/pl on highway and 40-45 in city.
Commented on pradyehv's review
Hi, comparing with all the 150cc segment i would prefer unicorn . Stunner being a 125cc stays behind for pick up whereas unicorn has a great pick up with comfort riidng .The new vrsion of pulsar is not so powerful as compared to the old one and also have many problems like gear prblm,switch, tail li Read More...
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