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Member Since:Apr 11, 2018
40 MS Points
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Perspective of two men
Reviewed 12th Fail
I have watched this movie, and gained the concept of intensity in our life which reflects in our work , and one of my junior said that this movie has differenRead more...
The outlook of college
Reviewed Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College - Garhwal
Its full name is Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghurdauri , Pauri Garhwal Uttarakhand A lot aspirant want to go to college studRead more...
The confusion about our future
Reviewed SunRise University - Alwar
All students in college maximum have never think about his/her goal and when we join College then some of us clear his goal and some of them became full diturRead more...
The shield
Reviewed Dealing with COVID-19
I have already share my view about the shield against corona virus with prime minister in man ki baat with Narendra Modi , I told him that to repead recovery Read more...
How it became dangerous
Reviewed Indian Real Estate - Bangalore
My friend invest 1 crore property in this investment and now he got nothing from this because his manage has no proper real identity so I wanna say labour as Read more...
Don't careness
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Xpress 2 E313
Micromax always think about us and only unique features but they do not care of its device upgrade in latest version but other mobile company care it so this Read more...
Welldone not
Reviewed GoogleÂ
I know now Google is very famous Website but there is a problem that dont think on our thought there is so many cases where Google dont answer our questRead more...
Over confidence
Reviewed Rashtriya Sarvajanik Mela Public School - Delhi
Rsm has over confident because last few years the performamce of the students of this school is good so it forget its target its aim forgetting is the causionRead more...
Only about real benefit
Reviewed DataBack
Databack app is give the chance of little earnings it gives us 10rupees recharge per month that housewife who has not need for unlimited recharge then this apRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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