Databack app is give the chance of little earnings it gives us 10rupees recharge per month that housewife who has not need for unlimited recharge then this application is good for her and Databack gives us a chance to win 50rupees paytm cash and we can store data refunds in it we all know that it is not very easy to claim any paytm vouchers but Databack is useful in it. A lot of apps which are provide us to win paytm cash but in them very apps cheat us only they do not gives us real paytm cash and a lot of apps which do not give the answer which we dont know but Databack gives us the answer of which questions are wrong answered by us. It also gives us the option of marketing when we invite any one friend to join databack with us then databack gives us 5rupees and data refunds it gives us 5rupees in the exchange of 300mb. We can store approximately 1gb data in one weak so can earn 20 rupees paytm cash in per month it provides us spinning to win more data it gives to chances to spin whenever we are not certified to it then it gives us more chance to spin we have only download one more app to spin again and it shows us data uses.and please dont forget like and follow